When a prized racehorse named Midnight Express accidentally escapes its transport crate during a high-stakes international flight, chaos ensues at 30,000 feet. The flight crew, led by a resourceful flight attendant, must work together with an eccentric horse trainer who happens to be on board. As Midnight Express gallops through the narrow aisles and causes havoc, the passengers and crew embark on a wild and comedic mission to safely contain the majestic but mischievous stallion before it jeopardizes the safety of the entire plane. Along the way, unexpected alliances are formed, and the journey becomes a heartwarming tale of teamwork and adventure in the most unlikely of places: the skies.
mafffikins says
Title: “High Horse : Sky Stallion Escape”
When a prized racehorse named Midnight Express accidentally escapes its transport crate during a high-stakes international flight, chaos ensues at 30,000 feet. The flight crew, led by a resourceful flight attendant, must work together with an eccentric horse trainer who happens to be on board. As Midnight Express gallops through the narrow aisles and causes havoc, the passengers and crew embark on a wild and comedic mission to safely contain the majestic but mischievous stallion before it jeopardizes the safety of the entire plane. Along the way, unexpected alliances are formed, and the journey becomes a heartwarming tale of teamwork and adventure in the most unlikely of places: the skies.
HollabackWrit3r says
There is a horse loose on the plane.
menlindorn says
Better than a horse loose in the hospital.
aostrin says
At least it’s not motherfucking snakes on a motherfucking plane
BoysenberryFun9329 says
There are horses on this M*F*ing plane!
OSUBonanza says
Yet another jack ass that doesn’t know how to behave in public.
RedTazer says
Rehab was supposed to be a fresh start
popeandy says
Who brings a horse on an airplane honestly.
I for one enjoy the company of my emotional support venomous snakes. They don’t make any noise 🥰
Xdevil_3000 says
Smh the pilots should get off their high horse.
TheLaffGaff says
Was the plane no longer stable?
jamesdeeeep says
Sarah Jessica Parker got loose?
lotsanoodles says
Passengers find they are saddled with a problem.
terminator101sk says
Now that’s what I call horsing around!
the_wessi says
I wonder if anyone has asked the opinion of Samuel L. Jackson on the horses on the plane.
camshas says
Damn, I was really rooting for Bojack.