Guarantee half the comments will be like “Lol, Fox? Don’t you know that the truth of a statement depends entirely on who’s saying it? Fox is a station the internet dislikes, therefore literally everything they say is always wrong! How dare they criticize the world’s worst dictatorship! This tu quoque fallacy means they’re just as bad as Kim Jong-Un!”
buyinguselessshit says
Bro said ©
HDSpiele says
Eh this is normal there when Jong Un took power peoe who had the same name had to change it too.
Chariots487 says
Guarantee half the comments will be like “Lol, Fox? Don’t you know that the truth of a statement depends entirely on who’s saying it? Fox is a station the internet dislikes, therefore literally everything they say is always wrong! How dare they criticize the world’s worst dictatorship! This tu quoque fallacy means they’re just as bad as Kim Jong-Un!”