NASA fixes solar observation spacecraft by turning it off and turning it on again | Category: General Source
Byzantium says I can imagine the engineers scratching their heads “The spacecraft is not responding to commands.” Intern: “Did you try turning it off and back on again?”
When all else fails..
N3onknight says
Did they try working the shaft too ?
AliasNefertiti says
Must have already been plugged in.
Byzantium says
I can imagine the engineers scratching their heads “The spacecraft is not responding to commands.”
Intern: “Did you try turning it off and back on again?”
TheKrakenLord says
The old Daddy Pig trick
NohPhD says
It’s a 15 y/o spacecraft… Sounds like it’s running Windows 3.1
mymar101 says
It happens more often than you’d think
jfcmfer says
I just fixed my wifi by doing the same thing! Where do I apply for a job at NASA?
mike-godwin01 says
Have you tried reconfiguring the primary power coupling?
ZealousidealGrade821 says
I wonder how long they were on hold.
xman747x says
in an emergency, it always works for me
ofalltheshitiveseen says
I.T. here…. This is the way…
Monowakari says
Bet they asked ChatGPT