The other guy probably had past relations with the girl he was in the pic with. That’s purely speculation, but a scenario I could definitely believe based on the way the messages went. Damn bro overreacted tho. The messages weren’t even anything bad. Also white dude throwin the N word around proves dudes a clown. He gonna have fun in prison.
Ps… If only there has been a good guy with a gun somewhere to stop him.
I love the the article censored the name saying “I see redacted on it” but posted a link to Twitter which has the name, as well as the name of the victim.
Android1313 says
The other guy probably had past relations with the girl he was in the pic with. That’s purely speculation, but a scenario I could definitely believe based on the way the messages went. Damn bro overreacted tho. The messages weren’t even anything bad. Also white dude throwin the N word around proves dudes a clown. He gonna have fun in prison.
Ps… If only there has been a good guy with a gun somewhere to stop him.
Novel_Alternative_86 says
Well I guess I’m also now in danger.
zombumblebee says
Hah! Nice mugshot…lol
IRatherChangeMyName says
Prinzka says
The laugh reaction requires the “allegedly” qualifier?
Cycleguy57 says
You know, in hindsight, it probably isn’t the best idea to allow every dipshit in America to own a gun. 🤔
autopsis says
“Watkins met up with the victim at a park to fight on Tuesday, April 25. Weapons were discharged at the scene.”
Sounds like an old fashioned duel to preserve his honor.
halt-l-am-reptar says
I love the the article censored the name saying “I see redacted on it” but posted a link to Twitter which has the name, as well as the name of the victim.