Louisiana Attorney General Creates Online “Tip Line” To Challenge Library Books | Category: General Source
Globalist_Nationlist says America, where you’re free to carry guns, but not books. And these same people hate the Taliban lol
SelectiveSanity says Ok, am I the only thinking this guy looks a little too much like [Warren Jeffs](https://nypost.com/2022/04/26/polygamist-cult-leader-warren-jeffs-son-my-dad-married-my-12-year-old-moms/)?
BelmontIncident says
Welp, it’s time to report every Bible in a Louisiana library.
wwarnout says
So, he’s compiling a list of religious bigots?
kazzin8 says
You know what to do, folks.
Globalist_Nationlist says
America, where you’re free to carry guns, but not books.
And these same people hate the Taliban lol
Hulkamania76 says
Que thousands of calls to report the Bible in 3.2.1.
AssociateJaded3931 says
How about a tip line to challenge the AG.
docterry6973 says
He’s missing his hood.
SelectiveSanity says
Ok, am I the only thinking this guy looks a little too much like [Warren Jeffs](https://nypost.com/2022/04/26/polygamist-cult-leader-warren-jeffs-son-my-dad-married-my-12-year-old-moms/)?
OrganicPrinciple130 says
I’ll report the bible.