The most popular word in online dating profiles
Alexander (95) and Jeanette (96) have been “dating” since they were both 8 and got married in 1940. After 75 years of marriage, the couple passed away in each others’ arms just hours apart.
MagickAeon: Step 1: Don’t be a creep.
guydawg: This is such a complicated question but to make it simple: take a shower, don’t look like a piece of crap, and just ask them out in person
Be prepared for rejection. Don’t get offended if they don’t accept your offer… sometimes people are just busy or have other stuff going on. Maybe they have a crush of their own even.
talhakhan6: Step 1 : Be Attractive.
Step 2 : Don’t Be Unattractive.
Dating tips for single ladies of 1938