There’s nothing actually onion-y about that, he, uh, had his privacy breached and I’d be pretty sure it’s against any sort of contract he signed
I mean ***in the dumbest way possible*** but yeah. I think when most people drop off something to get fixed they don’t expect some wall-eyed child of Innsmouth to copy the fucking thing and sell it for cash.
The damages on the line for an award are fucking astronomical. If the repair shop was found liable how much fucking money would you value that libel at after it’s pretty much destroyed someone’s ability to have a normal life and impacted events up to and including presidential elections.
What does he get out of this besides admitting that the laptop and the data in it is his? Does this repair shop has money for him to go after, or will it just file for bankruptcy?
Something he should have done from the beginning. He also should have sued for the return of the laptop the second he learned what was happening. He really doesn’t make good choices.
Kaitensatsuma says
There’s nothing actually onion-y about that, he, uh, had his privacy breached and I’d be pretty sure it’s against any sort of contract he signed
I mean ***in the dumbest way possible*** but yeah. I think when most people drop off something to get fixed they don’t expect some wall-eyed child of Innsmouth to copy the fucking thing and sell it for cash.
giggityglenquagy says
[the legal move required delicate positioning by the president’s son, who has never explicitly confirmed that the laptop was his.](
Meiyouxiangjiao says
This isn’t oniony
StarkRavingNormal says
Doesn’t this lawsuit simply admit that the laptop is really his thus proving the data on said laptop to be his personal information?
x-munk says
The damages on the line for an award are fucking astronomical. If the repair shop was found liable how much fucking money would you value that libel at after it’s pretty much destroyed someone’s ability to have a normal life and impacted events up to and including presidential elections.
yax51 says
Full filing here:
Complaints start at page 23
Ubertya says
I thought CNN and the Liberals told us it wasn’t his computer.
ChristineG0135 says
What does he get out of this besides admitting that the laptop and the data in it is his? Does this repair shop has money for him to go after, or will it just file for bankruptcy?
fluffybottom says
Something he should have done from the beginning. He also should have sued for the return of the laptop the second he learned what was happening. He really doesn’t make good choices.