Hugh Grant says movie sets ‘are so weird now,’ as actors no longer get drunk and fall ‘in love with each other’ because of mobile phones: ‘It’s so sad’
TLDR: Actor Hugh Grant is upset that all the young ladies on set won’t show him their breasts because they are always on their phones. Even when he’s drunk.
Well, given that on sets because of covid, actors are supposed to distance and wear masks (until the order is dropped May 11), he’s technically correct. I can attest to the fact that people just aren’t getting drunk and falling in love with him since he’s gross. They are still getting drunk and falling in love on every movie set I’ve been on in the last year.
“*Comedic actor being interviewed on late night talk show makes jokey comment. News at 11.*”
The number of butthurt people responding to this who clearly didn’t read the article or watch the attached video to see that this was on Colbert is cringe worthy.
Really, he’s commenting that people on movie sets don’t hang out like they used to and instead just go on their phones, but exaggerating that because he’s TELLING A FUCKING JOKE!
Commenting something “*I don’t know if Chris Pines or the rest play Dungeons & Dragons because no one really talked or socialized on the set. We all just did our job and went home*” won’t get a laugh from a studio audience. That does just sounds sad, and not a happy work environment.
Imagine watching behind the scenes footage of making a movie and everyone just stops talking when the cameras go off. That sounds like a terrible work environment.
Bokbreath says
Old Man Yells At Cloud
Sandoranges says
theater sets used to be nonstop orgies everyone was high and half naked backstage
funwithdesign says
TLDR: Actor Hugh Grant is upset that all the young ladies on set won’t show him their breasts because they are always on their phones. Even when he’s drunk.
brademerika says
Something is sad, I think it’s Hugh Grant.
lego_office_worker says
refresh my memory, is this the guy that cheated on elizabeth hurley with some nasty prostitute?
KittenKoder says
He’s just pissed because the underaged actresses won’t fuck him anymore.
yungmoneybingbong says
You’re there to work you asshole.
smugmisswoodhouse says
Ohhh nooo, a wrinkly creep who is sad we won’t have sex with him. So sad.
Plane_Night4978 says
Old guy complains about phones. that’s never happened before.
Tempest_1 says
There are more appropriate ways to broach the conversation on how limited social interaction is with prevalent phone use…
InstantKarmic says
Yeah. It’s called showing up for work and doing your effin’ job. Get to it.
alannordoc says
Well, given that on sets because of covid, actors are supposed to distance and wear masks (until the order is dropped May 11), he’s technically correct. I can attest to the fact that people just aren’t getting drunk and falling in love with him since he’s gross. They are still getting drunk and falling in love on every movie set I’ve been on in the last year.
mostlybadopinions says
Man some of you guys are really offended by this. He’s joking around on a Late Night talk show, not giving a thesis on the Me Too movement.
Saying people fucked more in the 90s and they’re on their phones more now (in a humor based setting) shouldn’t be that controversial.
DJWGibson says
Not really Oniony.
“*Comedic actor being interviewed on late night talk show makes jokey comment. News at 11.*”
The number of butthurt people responding to this who clearly didn’t read the article or watch the attached video to see that this was on Colbert is cringe worthy.
Really, he’s commenting that people on movie sets don’t hang out like they used to and instead just go on their phones, but exaggerating that because he’s TELLING A FUCKING JOKE!
Commenting something “*I don’t know if Chris Pines or the rest play Dungeons & Dragons because no one really talked or socialized on the set. We all just did our job and went home*” won’t get a laugh from a studio audience. That does just sounds sad, and not a happy work environment.
Imagine watching behind the scenes footage of making a movie and everyone just stops talking when the cameras go off. That sounds like a terrible work environment.
erlendsama says
He’s talking to Stephen Colbert, so maybe, just maybe he is not being entirely serious.