There’s absolutely no reason that people should be worried that a legislator doesn’t consider certain groups as *human*.
Also, why is a political official once again using their religious beliefs to justify a position on potential laws and bills with absolutely no push back?
I’m quite certain that the Constitution is clear on religion and government.
No doubt describing transgender as “mutants and demons” is wrong but he justified this offensive name calling by claiming to be “a proud ***CHRISTIAN*** conservative republican”. It is the poison of religion that has permeated this man’s mind and it is the infiltration of religion in our nation’s politics that has so blurred the line of separation of church and state I fear that we will never truly be able to govern ourselves in a progressive, inclusive manner.
>I called you demons and imps who come and parade before us and pretend that you are part of this world. So I’m saying my righteous indignation is stirred. I am sick and tired of this,”
I do not have a point to make, other than this is an elected official in the US.
lunetick says
I totally understand that, I often call ppl demons, mutants, pimps by mistake. Do you accept my apologies? /s
DanteSeldon says
Well if he *apologized* that’s fine.
There’s absolutely no reason that people should be worried that a legislator doesn’t consider certain groups as *human*.
Also, why is a political official once again using their religious beliefs to justify a position on potential laws and bills with absolutely no push back?
I’m quite certain that the Constitution is clear on religion and government.
puddingdemon says
Bet this guy is fine with black people being called those things as well.
idliketoseethat says
No doubt describing transgender as “mutants and demons” is wrong but he justified this offensive name calling by claiming to be “a proud ***CHRISTIAN*** conservative republican”. It is the poison of religion that has permeated this man’s mind and it is the infiltration of religion in our nation’s politics that has so blurred the line of separation of church and state I fear that we will never truly be able to govern ourselves in a progressive, inclusive manner.
Jfuentes6 says
I swear Florida is being more and more like a skin tag of the US
openly_gray says
How to spell insincere
ThatMangoAteMyBaby says
Apologized? Kool! Everything is fine now.
Jim Crow, Uncle Tom, anti American. Sorry.
I apologize.
Kacomal says
Apologies don’t work when that is what you feel in your heart. Disgusting
Karanie says
These people are absolutely vile
MikeLitoris_________ says
>I called you demons and imps who come and parade before us and pretend that you are part of this world. So I’m saying my righteous indignation is stirred. I am sick and tired of this,”
I do not have a point to make, other than this is an elected official in the US.