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I read a comment that piqued my interest and have been trying to find some deeper info on the subject. The comment basically said that as the universe expands, something on the Planck level is dividing like cells, producing more space. I’m not asking for an explanation of that concept, but rather wondering precisely what is happening on that scale when space expands.
robynflower: That is one possibility, but an unlikely one. Another alternative is that nothing is being created, just the matter from the big bang is expanding into an area where there was no matter before. The edge of space could be a perfect vacuum devoid of all matter, when matter from the big bang enters it then becomes a partial vacuum. Space isn’t actually expanding just the area that has matter in it is expanding.
OmarGuard: This is pretty popular with the Maori boys in my town. I’ve seen the same thing done with an empty 1.5L Coke bottle, they get some serious airtime.
Never seen one go that high up in person though, that was outstanding. Perfect technique.
ThisIsTheMilos: When homeboy hits the water he displaces an amount based on his size/weight/force of impact. Due to science, that water is only temporarily displaced and rushes back in to fill the gap with the force of many oceans. By timing it just right, all that energy acts in a coordinated fashion to launch the floating object into the sky far higher than seems reasonable.
imClancy: I thought his balls would explode
galactivater: I was in Havana in 2000 and there was a gang of kids playing this game off of the malecon (esplanade).
I tried quite a few times but I don’t think I succeeded in doing it that good.
No one got it that high in the air….. but no one was as girthy as that guy.
With technique the biggest person in the world could get some serious air !!!!!!
I’d watch the fuck out of that competition
a-wise-man: Poppin a phat manu
brackets18: r/blackmagicfuckery shit right there. That’s fucking crazy. I want to try this so bad now.
docgonzomt: Someone please ELI5…
ajmojo2269: I feel like that would be awesome to watch in reverse
PMmeYourButtPlug: Whats the fastest you could get something going? What if you had it 1000 feet under water and let it off?
battle-of-evermore: I won’t deny it, not what I was hoping for….
dan_g_ledongle: I heard North Korea is looking into this to improve their missile program
Brawl___Stars: That shit is awesome, imma try it someday.
clapmomsfuckbombs: I counted 4.9 s of flight time, meaning the ball came out at 86.5 km/h and went 29.4 m in the air.
CORNINMYCHUD: what’s the big deal, sometimes that happens when I step on bones in Skyrim.
sadravioli: what !!?&!,;&
ShaneSupreme: Not what I was expecting when I read the title of the post
JasonAdkins: I think it’s super cool. Should be a competition.
Milobren: 9/10. Should’ve caught the ball at the end
lilhedgehog87: How is this not a sport yet bowling and pool are??
We need an Olympic team.
BordGamer2828: Jebus Cripes!
bluechips2388: How can we weaponize this…
Hobo_Drifter: I still can’t get over how beautifully graceful his form was
fatwithatatt: NASA needs to incorporate this process for rocket liftoffs
transcendReality: Void implosion water rocket.
eof2012: Finally, an Olympic sport I could do
Driotatri: Was actually there to see it happen. Hillarys boat harbor
Obi_Wan_Kannoli: If I understand correctly, the ball is launched with a force equivalent to the water displacement of his fat ass?
Emerett: Quick, somebody do the math, how fast was that ball travelling?