alison_bee: am I crazy or is the end of that sand pit [the edge of a cliff?](
tezoatlipoca: Dog’s going for speed
Dog’s got a bone (all milkbone)
All a bone in his time of need
(thanks. Now I have Cake in my head)
FaithInTechnology: BARKOUR!
diegojones4: That was absolutely beautiful. Out of all my dogs, I’ve only had one frisbee dog and her passion for it was amazing. When a dog loves doing something, it creates a bond.
barramacie: Wow doggo got an impressive double jump in. The trainers really have a huge set up, is this an event in some dog shows, I did not expect a sand pit
MrDickhead702: Imagine your walking down the street and see a dog fly by you like it has a jetpack on
Gudgee: It even looks like he uses his back legs for mid-air flight guidance!?
drunkmaster2014: I love the tail-wave in mid-air.
Carolinannutrs: Would someone please give this dog a cape?
WhenWhyHowOhGodWhy: 10
Doctamike: [All I could think of the whole time](
TheMysticGed: Hot dog!!
rockjently: I got it, I got it, I got it, I …. HEY!!! WHY ARE YOU MOVING IT?????
StanGibson18: The new Air Bud sequel looks pretty sweet.
lenouveaumach: My favorite part is the guy standing near the launch pad. He sees the takeoff, then looks at the spectators, not the dog. He’s seen this and knows it’s amazing; he just wants to see how they react.
Rolling_on_the_river: That can’t be good for the dog 🙁
CptnMcDoobie: That’s absolutely remarkable. Don’t comment much, but Jesus, that is outstanding athletic ability.
Norlake: I wish I could do that
R0binSage: That is definitely interesting.
staypuftmallows7: Can someone make this full speed?
itshonestwork: I’d like to see that in normal-mo
halloha: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a dog with wings.
Ariadnepyanfar: Majestic.
2Billion-HP: Watching this, I hear the mirrors edge theme song.
neuromonkey: This dog is going places.
frawgiedawgie: Watching dogs in slow motion always reminds me of [this]( scene from the movie Snatch.
P0rkCh0pXpress: look at that tail!
9spaceking: it will find its way, if it can be strong.
theDynamiteJet: This competition does not look sanctioned.
deruch: Wow, I didn’t know that dogs had an appreciable L/D.
Iaramiex: Did that dog almost roll off a cliff at the end?
Steve_NI: Looks like gypsies having some fun. At least the dog isn’t fighting
aroulis1213: I actually thought he was going to jump over that tall thing at first. Impressive af though.
The_Pope-of-Dope: I believe I can fly 🎶
wickedogg: I wonder if they had to train the dog where to make that first jump from or if he figured that out himself
Alpha-Mike-Foxtrot: insert sound from bionic man TV show… damn that was a jump
sjenkins6936: That’s kind of terrifying.
Scottyharp78: That’s gotta be, what, at LEAST 5 feet or more?!
lofabread1: My naem is dog
I like to run
My hooman waves
Is very fun
I run an jump
And when I land
I go real far
I smoosh the sand
Backerman5: I am on my way, I can go the distance!
Flagship161: Holy crap. Awesome dog.
electricmindfrog: Man what a jumper!
Geofromthebush: Someone get that good boy a cape.
vetelmo: Doggo got hops!!
icrywhendogsdie: i bet this poor doggo gets abused regularly
CptnMcDoobie: Does it show any other history? For instance, the fact that it’s been weeks since I’ve commented on anything except for yesterday?
slavaboo_: Floaty boye
BennyNutts: F L Y B O Y E
Octopus uses sea shells to protect itself from a shark
n3r0s: Thats a significant intellectual advantage right there
huggiesdsc: Goddamn that juke though. What a smart ass cephalopod.
CravenMerrill: Clever girl
cybertortoise69: Absolutely bamboozled
claymoar: Apparently earlier in this episode, the same octopus was being attacked by a shark and it plugged its gills with its tentacles to escape
ymOx: o shit! Those guys are so cool! I’ve seen them do all kinds of stuff, but never this.
Sbidl: That thing is definitely smarter than me.
fgmenth: That octopus went full Katamari
therealradriley: Dam this is just like that turtle swimming on its back so the sharks couldn’t eat him. The shark empire is collapsing
Charlitos_Way: Wow. Definitely going to surpass humans eventually.
VehaMeursault: And here I am trying to fit a lid onto a pot for the past 3 minutes now.
ynnadkci: I can just see this guy bragging to his friends about this cool play.
IzumiAlgarin: That’s a [Pyjama Shark]( Wanted to share because it’s a cute name.
tjjex: Octopusies are so smart
pignans: Swear I see a post like this after every episode of blue planet 2.
Rex_Lee: Holy shit, they are smart
jamjam85: How the hell does Blue Planet get a shot like this? They must have filmed for hours and hours for incredible footage that last just a few seconds. It’s just absolutely stunning.
lord_thistlewickIV: My favourite animal! This needs a ‘deal with it’ just after its eye is exposed on the exit
evan_fisha: That’s a shark?
F_ckLife: Yay, blue planet 2
Raymi: There was a fish hiding between the octopus’s tentacles! You can see him pop out four seconds in!
romulusnr: Sharks are apparently the big dumb dogs of the ocean.
bryan2384: And it casually swims away. Awesome.
ArcChael: man that was slick
Laoracc: Meanwhile the Octupus is like:
“Stupid cameraman, *are you not entertained*!”
(Assuming it’s not some robot, which these days is probably a safe bet)