From the pictures in the X thread, it looks like they were using straight up bright ass UV-B lights as blacklights. That’s amazingly dangerous and irresponsible. Proper blacklights don’t emit the dangerous spectrum of UV.
(Closes the flesh bound bible of Cthulhu written in blood)
I have gazed into the mouth of madness and seen the event horizon, viewed knowledge forbidden to man due to its ability to make them loose all sense of reason and logic that drives them towards the natural chaos of insanity from which the Great Old ones feed upon. It was mind breaking and soul rending, but I have come out unscathed….
The best part of NFT buyers is that they’ll participate in documentaries so there should be good ones with really off the wall interviews. I never got the NFT thing and never followed it so wackos in documentaries is the only thing I really care for.
Agreeable-Ad1221 says
Considering the NFTs are now worth fuck all, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are just trying to make shit up to sue for some cash back.
Silicon_Knight says
That is a sentence that I think has never been constructed in the entire history of the written word.
Poosley_ says
Listen you just don’t get it okay? IYKYK! Hodl! Diamond hands! lol
thehourglasses says
This shit can be summed up with a simple word: ponzigrift
quietIntensity says
From the pictures in the X thread, it looks like they were using straight up bright ass UV-B lights as blacklights. That’s amazingly dangerous and irresponsible. Proper blacklights don’t emit the dangerous spectrum of UV.
SelectiveSanity says
(Closes the flesh bound bible of Cthulhu written in blood)
I have gazed into the mouth of madness and seen the event horizon, viewed knowledge forbidden to man due to its ability to make them loose all sense of reason and logic that drives them towards the natural chaos of insanity from which the Great Old ones feed upon. It was mind breaking and soul rending, but I have come out unscathed….
(Reads headline. Immediately rips eyes out)
Libera Te Tutemet Ex Inferis!
weseire1983 says
This thing still exists? Honestly maybe it’s time to shut it down now…..
ImageComfortable2843 says
I can’t believe people actually fell for this. It’s nothing but money laundering.
DuineGanAinm says
All my rods and cones gone
almostabumbull says
The best part of NFT buyers is that they’ll participate in documentaries so there should be good ones with really off the wall interviews. I never got the NFT thing and never followed it so wackos in documentaries is the only thing I really care for.
MayOrMayNotBePie says
“Mama says stupid is as stupid does”
Wisdomlost says
Burned eyeballs wouldn’t have been my guess of a news story from a NFT event.