I think what we’ve learned in the past few years is that laws are easy to overturn once you’ve allowed religion to dominate politics. So, while this is a great way to signal that *today* Illinois supports freedom of thought, a rabid minority waits in the wings to demand that their religious beliefs should be allowed to limit what other people can or can’t read.
Good luck, Illinois. This is probably the last gasp of liberalism before things go to hell in 2024.
KingRobotPrince says
So banning something that isn’t happening?
MadMadBunny says
[Ban ban ban, ban ban the ban](https://youtu.be/4wvx14Qv9cg)
Viper67857 says
Is the Illinois kinda like the Ukraine?
TSAOutreachTeam says
I think what we’ve learned in the past few years is that laws are easy to overturn once you’ve allowed religion to dominate politics. So, while this is a great way to signal that *today* Illinois supports freedom of thought, a rabid minority waits in the wings to demand that their religious beliefs should be allowed to limit what other people can or can’t read.
Good luck, Illinois. This is probably the last gasp of liberalism before things go to hell in 2024.
InternetPeon says
But if we allow book bans to be banned what will be banned next?
WeAreEvolving says
Who protects the children