ImitationFire: I wonder how many assistants he has gone through.
SlimJones123: Source
terminalmemelocity: I’m never impressed by somebody that uses other people to show off their skill like this. We can see the effect without putting people in the way especially a young kid. I don’t care how good that person is at doing the thing they do.
SirDigbyChknCaesar: Is this the guy who figured out all those horse bowman techniques? Looks like he’s shooting a shortbow from the hip like those videos I’ve seen before.
bingbungchingchung: [“If nobody told you arrows flew straight, what would you do?”](
ftunny: The prequel to Wanted we never knew we needed. Coming to a theatre near you January 2018.
GrizzlyLeather: [hardly relevant far side](–classic-comics-funny-shit.jpg)
samuel_leumas: Just wait ’till he scatter shots.
Westerberg11: These people are all fucking braindead to do this.
daggersrule: Tonight on “Places I Won’t Stand” we will be covering “between an archer and his target”
69bit: What I wanna know is where he gets these people to sign up for this shit. Fakin ‘ell
ThisIsReLLiK: This guy is a goddamn wizard with a bow.
BillionTonsHyperbole: Instructions unclear; trying to WASTE YOUTH.
Poultry_Sashimi: Suck it, Beckham!
BlandJustice: “Wanted 2 – The Arrowning”
*In theatres everywhere! Starts Friday!*