deville66: And somewhere, when Dave Mustaine heard of this TIL, he got supremely jealous and curse out loud!
Safemongoose: Ahhh my teenage years! Loved this album! I miss the old Metallica
SeriesOfAdjectives: Nothing like turning up the volume way too loud and having a good thrash
admin-mod: You guys like that song, don’t ya?
Sure, if you play it right
So you guys are tired, huh? (no)
We’re just getting warmed up and you guys are tired
You’re ready to go home (no)
You guys sound tired to me (no)
Let’s hear you say “Fuck no James!” (fuck no James)
Alright, so we want some more
So we’re going to give you a little test here man
I start it, you finish it we’ll find out what you’ve got left
Oh yeah (Oh yeah)
ehhh I hope that ain’t it
Oh yeah (oh yeah), Yeah (yeah), yeah (yeah)
Master (master), of (of), puppets!
ArcadianBlueRogue: That’s because it’s badass.
ibeerthebrewidrink: MASTER! MASTER!
Earthican_Male: Ride the Lightning was better IMO.
CharlesDingus: I’m not really sure why anyone is surprised, Metallica is one of the greatest American rock bands and easily the greatest American metal band (although Death is a pretty close second, IMO)
TheUnchosenWon: Great album. Disposable heroes is my favorite from it
aaronthenia: This album is deserving of all the accolades it gets.
Shippoyasha: My wish is that most semi-notable piece of culture gets a preservation treatment, if it’s impossible to store all of them. Hopefully we can get to a point where digitization can accurately store analog music perfectly.
Cybore: “End of passion play, crumbling away
I’m your source of self-destruction”
nealioh: This album is so goddamn good!
WhiteZoneShitAgain: I saw them on that tour, with Cliff.
victor_knight: Sanitarium
TooShiftyForYou: The pinnacle of thrash metal, a little weird that they play these tracks on the classic rock stations now.
Sympathy_for_the_FO: Greatest metal album of all time.
I saw them on that tour back in ’86, with Cliff Burton on bass opening for Ozzy at the Long Beach Arena.
oskiwiiwii: Those guys in Congress absolutely listened to Metallica.
The_UnApologist: A lot of people don’t wanna give them the credit they deserve anymore these days, but as far as metal history is concerned, they’ve pretty much revolutionized the genre *twice,* once with this album, and then again with the Black Album, where they took metal’s sound and popularized it for the masses.
If you wanna know just how gigantic the black album became, lets put it this way, their second bassist, Jason Newsted has writing credits for maybe *two* songs on it, and he’s publicly said that the royalties he gets from that alone are enough for him to live comfortably off that by itself. Two songs.
The fact that you can even have a conversation about the biggest musical acts of all time and Metallica can be included in that conversation along side the Beatles, Michael Jackson or AC/DC is incredible. Metal is and always has been a fringe sub-culture. It’s never been status quo or a mainstream thing. Only one band in history has been able to take it to where it is today, and by the numbers alone that’s Metallica.
grimskull1: Absolutely deserved
Natdaprat: So you’re saying they copied it… Lars will not be happy about this.
PassionateSizzle: I feel like alot if music/ art warrants this. Isn’t it theoretically possible to store EVERYTHING (of value, obviously not fucked up shit like CP or similar bullshit) on the cloud servers? Seems like it’ll be a good idea to preserve the human legacy.
HumanKapital_: Damn fucking right
jackdellis7: You’re damn right it was.
tigerkat2244: Just in time for #Metallicamonday🤘
AveLucifer: If you like this album and want to get to know more similar bands and albums, here is the list of essential thrash metal albums taken from r/metal/wiki/metalsubgenres.
Band | Album | Date/country
Metallica | Ride the Lightning | 1984, USA
Metallica | Master of Puppets | 1986, USA
Slayer | Hell Awaits | 1985, USA
Slayer | Reign in Blood | 1986, USA
Exodus | Bonded By Blood | 1985, USA
Megadeth | Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying | 1986, USA
Megadeth | Rust in Peace | 1990, USA
Kreator | Pleasure to Kill | 1986, Germany
Dark Angel | Darkness Descends | 1986, USA
Sodom | Obsessed By Cruelty | 1986, Germany
Sodom | Agent Orange | 1989, Germany
Voivod | Killing Technology | 1987, Canada
Nuclear Assault | Survive | 1988, USA
Coroner | Punishment For Decadence | 1988, Switzerland
Northparkwizard: Yeah duh.
rrhoads923: No warning? No second chance?
Oh_god_not_you: I remember walking into the music cellar on Nassau street in Dublin the week this came out. I paid extra for the extra thick coloured vinyl edition of the album. It had the album cover art embedded into it. Loved it.