Probably pretty common knowledge, but just in case it isn’t, sites that have soft paywalls or a limited number of views like NYT and WaPo can be circumvented by opening the same link in incognito mode instead.
captnchunky: You can use incognito to sign into your Gmail on someone else’s pc. This way you don’t have to log them out and delete your account when you log out
coffeebeard: Also good for looking at photos of ham discretely.
CdangerT: You can also just suspend Java script on the site. However other commenters are right, if you like it then you should sub and help support the paper. Free press ain’t free.
gjallard: You should also know that subscriptions are how they pay their people. If you like the reporting you read, consider subscribing. Then the pay wall goes away, and the newspaper survives.
icantbelieveiclicked: If you have Amazon prime there is a discount.. i signed up for 6 months free and then less than 4 bucks a month
I subbed 100% due to the veritas article..
rumandraspberries: YSK: Washington Post digital access costs $100 annually, roughly $8.34 per month. If you like legitimate news, you should pay for it.
shillyshally: I just clear my history, even though I have NYTs and WAPO subscriptions. Someone mentioned yesterday that Amazon offers discounted WAPO subscriptions to Prime members. If you can afford it, support quality journalism.
excaliber110: People do this for a living because they can put out high quality and journalistic news. If you want low quality work, look no further than clickbaity news articles. People deserve to be paid for their work,
Be it photography, news writing, or service work in general. Stop feeling entitled to getting quality items without money
chaoticnuetral: You can also disable cookies and browse without incognito
tlease181: Oh cool, I just use it to buy presents for loved ones without them knowing.
Nicadelphia: I turn my ad block off every time i use citation machine or easybib. I hate that shit.
Tarrock: The people in this thread SK: Washington Post is owned by the same guy who owns Amazon, who ain’t hurting for money.
This_Dragon_Resists: I agree that the best thing is to pay for the news you read. That said, there are tons of sites with paywalls, and not many people can afford to subsidize all of them. Pick 2 or 3 of your favorites. Subscribe. Make one your local paper – they are the ones struggling the most.
For some of the rest: Firefox Quantum (which I still hate, but is early days…) has an extension that claims to by-pass some paywalls. Called, interestingly enough, “Bypass paywalls”. I have not used it yet. YMMV
edit:words are hard.
dno_bot: There are also browser extensions that will open specific URLs in Incognito Mode.
RexDraco: YSK you can also use uBlock Origin to block the paywall script.
Grootsap: Or you could just… pay for journalism.
jordan7741: If you have a .edu email, you can get a student account for free for WaPo
Its_Pine: As others have said, organizations like Washington Post are able to have such incredibly high-quality material and standards because of people subscribing to their material. I’m usually pretty stingy, but I’ll gladly shell out $4 (student price) for them to fight the good fight and expose the truth.
1h8fulkat: Or just clear your site cookies
Kilo914: I wish this wasn’t about WaPo/Media specifically because on its own it’s a great tip
This Bookmarklet loads the link via FB which suppresses the pay wall (most of the time).
This bookmarklet loads the google cached version of the page.
tacohunter: I use firefox focus, erases all history and cookies
qwertiuiop: However, some of these paywall sites will simply ask you to login if you are on incognito.
ShivasIrons983E: Sometimes if you just stop the page from loading,before it completely loads,will defeat this type of paywall.
tornado28: Chrome has a little picture of a cookie on the right of the url box. Click on the cookie > show cookies and other site data > delete the sites cookie.
Superfluous_Alias: Or tell your browser to delete cookies when you close it.
DedicatedSloth: This is great, thanks. I also use it for porn.
UberPug: IE tab for chrome will do it in 1 click!
Goslawek: Checkmate FBI
RanaktheGreen: YSK: Doing this encourages Yellow Papers.
adamkw94: Just delete the site cookies
Duckmandu: What’s incognito mode and how do I do it on my iPad?
GetOffMyLawn_: Turning off Javascript is another one that works well.
pathslog: If you are using uBlock Origin, open the uBlock menu and click the “[Open the logger](” icon.
A [new tab]( will open. Enter “paywall” in the filter, find whatever paywall javascript they might be using, and block it.
Easy as pie.
sunnygoodgestreet726: who would want to read wapo
superspacehero: It’s also my preferred method of watching YouTube videos from channels I’m not familiar with, so all my recommended videos don’t become clickbait garbage, should they be some channel like that.
fildight: It’s only because of internet cookies.
Just download firefox and get noscript
pbrettb: also you can use a cookie manager to delete a site’s cookies then they forget how many views you had…
kamronb: Self-destructing cookies add-on for Firefox used to do that for me too but since it’s no longer supported with the new updates, I hope they fix that.
YJCH0I: If WaPo discovers this post (no pun intended), they’re probably going to figure out a way to put up a paywall in Incognito mode.