Not saying you’ll find gold, but it’s pretty interesting.
Spotify has a lightsaber as a progress bar if you are listening to Star Wars music!
Ginger-Nerd: I remember last time this was posted someone said it played a LOT of classical songs, mostly because there is a whole bunch that are re-recorded/re released because they are outside of copyright.
and they get mass produced under a bazillion different versions. that still technically count as a song that nobody has heard, but in reality its just one version of hundreds/thousands.
magicman1331: Won’t this mean that no one besides you will ever play it because it gets taken off their list once played?
[deleted]: Oh I struck gold alright — Night Shift by Tortilla Flat — such a banger
thefacemanzero: I can’t access the site because of a hard redirect to a amazon scam.
ArgonGryphon: I got a track from an album of frog calls. I expected like some crazy metal or something when I saw the track “Chorus of Pig Frogs” but no, it’s literally frogs that sound like pigs. This is great.
Farmerssharkey: You should also know that this website is utter pop-up-fueled cancer and should not be visited by anyone on phones.
Conradooo: I am worried by this man
flux123: Who could possibly forget the masterpiece ???? by ??? on the album ?????????.
This is like japanese vaporwave. [(](
edit: Or chinese or something, I dunno, I’m white and I can’t tell the difference between the two.
WannabeTesla: Make sure you listen to the whole song too! Even if it’s not that great, because it may never be heard again.
DirewolvesInLondon: Glad it immediately took me to a spam site!
Earth_Bug: We should make a subreddit for these songs so they get more action. I love discovering new music.
Cool_Calm_Collected: On mobile….does this website have cancer or something? Wtf
TrueSystemLord: I got the most amazing song:
richieb12: [I mean, it’s not exactly what I was expecting.](
the_enthusiastic: It’s infested with very frustrating full page ads.
PRO_SiLVER: Too bad I literally can’t access the site because I’m getting ads forced down my throat.
2extraL: I found a song called How To Litter box Train Your New Cat, needless to say it was disappointing.
guacamoleman141: If you don’t finish, does it remain on the site? Could conceivably find a terrible song that’s been partially played many times.
aedeos: Damn, I’m bummed I’ve listened to my wife’s track, now. Hopefully there’s something that will slowly adjust that number upward over time so someone else will.
NotTheOneYouNeed: for mobile users
RexDraco: “To play the full track, you’ll need the spotify app”
fiorani: Hipsters paradise. They sure can say they listen before anybody else.
guacamoleman141: What a great idea! I just heard a dandy gypsy jazz tune that nobody on Earth has ever heard before. And never will again!
Andrep23: Used it and found exactly the type of music I’ve been looking for.
Szuter88: I enjoyed the track I got. [Hilo Moon](
NotAfraidOfFire: There’s never been a worse website for phones.
docbond: I went to the page and got an amazon gift card scam redirect. Looks like they figured out how to make money.
Edit: the second time I got another scam redirect.
kiefydreams: It gave me Poppenreuth – Bauer hans brütet kälber
Which is in German and there is no music at all… The YouTube video doesn’t have any views either, it’s weird as hell…
vicaphit: A site designed to put itself out of business.
Arguing6969: I found a racist republican rock band? I think? I dont know if theyre being ironic.
Buncust: Does it have Smoke 2 Joints by Sublime?
TogepiTickles: I got: Authentic Sound Effects – Water Running Into Bathroom Sink
KoiFever: Good find dude
Coolilo: I found the best one [Four More Times by Lesley Littlefield](
You_Jiao_Dai: Finally. My music career has a chance!