I’ve done marketing in hospitals for a long time now and I can attest that at each hospital in my area, those bathrooms at the OB/GYN offices that say men’s are the cleanest. Can’t speak for the communal bathrooms but I would steer clear of those.
Edit: ok a few things:
A)Obviously not every hospital is going to be like this. I was referring to those hospitals that have obgyn outpatient clinics connected to them, which is pretty much every hospital in my city
B)a bunch of people must not have read where I put “men’s room”. I don’t think men should use the communal bathroom.
C)no I don’t advocate being a pervert or even being creepy.
Tesla has used its solar panels and batteries to restore reliable electricity at San Juan’s Hospital del Niño (Children’s Hospital)
RobotVersionOfMe: If you are ever in a hospital and can’t find a clean bathroom, go to a different hospital
MonarchyBoner: What a niche tip
agmathlete: My NP wife says that she lives by the rule ‘the farther from the ER, the cleaner the bathroom ‘. When I visit, I’m willing to walk a bit to use the rule regardless of if it’s 1 or 2.
Edit: NP means Nurse Practitioners, a mid level provider, more authority and responsibilities than a Nurse but less than a Dr (this is of course a way oversimplification)
C0SAS: Is that you, George Costanza? You do always know where to find the most pristine bathrooms.
god_damn_bitch: I’ve never seen an OB/GYN with separate bathrooms. Then again I’ve never seen a dirty bathroom in a hospital before.
PimpinTreehugga: Would just like to include that this applies to home decor stores, crafting supply stores, and any other store where men typically wait outside or might begrudgingly follow their wives/girlfriends around.
Last time I was in a Homesense, the men’s bathroom was SO clean I could eat off the porcelain.
CaptainBurito: Man people are really introverts here that they can’t even take a shit in a stall.
RawketLeeg: Just beware that they are usually single bathrooms. I assume because you need to collect samples while in there and then put them in the little sample window collection place. Anyway, you may come out and run into a hugely pregnant woman that may not enjoy waiting any amount of time to pee. For the eight time that morning.
allothernamestaken: I have a difficult enough time finding the part of the hospital I’m supposed to be in, much less go seeking out a whole other department just to drop a deuce. I don’t know about the rest of you, but the hospitals around here are all fucking mazes.
Mohamedhijazi22: Would you know what OB/GYN stands for
shmimey: I work in Hospitals. I can confirm this. I will also say that most bathrooms in the hospitals I work in are quiet and clean. The only bathrooms you need to avoid are phycology area and the one closest to the main entrance in some casses
magniatude: In college I found the building where the nursing classrooms were to do my business. Never saw another man in there in those 4 years.
Rvrsurfer: Worked on the Behavioral Health floor of a hospital. Public bathroom was never used. Most people just prayed for the elevator door to close.
CreamiestCream: Women, pursue a STEM career. Personal washroom for life.
LeeKinanus: Not after im done with it.
gutter_rat_serenade: If you’re in a hospital with a dirty bathroom, leave as quick as you can! MRSA can *literally* kill you.
AdaGang: Can confirm, as a man who used to work in a OB/GYN office. The men’s room there was consistently in the most pristine condition that I have ever witnessed a public restroom.
DeepFriedBadass: r/shittylifeprotips
Navi_Souls: “I’m in a hospital and need to poop. Oh yeah, reddit told me this one weird trick. I’ll just wander around and find the OB/GYN sector and use the men’s room there because it might be marginally cleaner.”
No, damnit. I *shouldn’t* know this. This is retarded.
herman_gill: I poop in the family medicine intern’s call room.
pussyilliterate: But what if since they are rarely used, they are not cleaned at all.
guntercaptain: Can confirm. I worked as a surgical tech and the OB wing was directly across from the OR. There was dust on the toilet seats the first time I got there. Still, the most isolated area in the entire hospital.
ImBetterAtLifeThanU: Or just poop in the nearest bathroom?
FalcoPeregrinus: But why would you ever use a bathroom that isn’t at your home?
ShnookieWookums: I have a similar tip for college campuses. Men, use the bathroom in/ near the Nursing department, if there is one.
My girl uses the one in the Engineering department.
grimskull1: This is… Specific
redwormcharlie: Not in our area. Now you have to get buzzed in to that area after checking in with proof or invite from the family in the OBGYN. It’s their security measure to prevent unauthorized people in the area and to prevent people from stealing babies.
AEDNOCH: It’s one thing if you work at a hospital…but I don’t think men who have no business in an OB/GYN ward should be looking for bathrooms in them.
Edit: I have unsubscribed from this subreddit.
and_eazy: Holy shit you guys. This is embarrassing. If you need to poop find a toilet and fucking poop.
racistjarjar_: You’re going to go from your floor down to the lobby, find the OB/GYN ward, go to that floor, use the washroom, then go back to your ward? For what *might* be a slightly nicer washroom?
10,000 people upvoted this? The people on this website are fucking retarded.
09Klr650: Even better. Use the public restrooms on the upper floors if they are available. Not all hospitals have public restrooms in the patient floors, but look at the directory maps.
Drogalov: I stopped in the maternity ward with my wife for 2 nights after having our baby. I had to walk 5 minutes down the corridor to use a toilet
Atanar: That’s a long walk in most hospitals.