I’ve seen products such as the Trackr pixel out there which make your phone ring if you’ve lost it, even if it was on silent. I thought I’d share a free alternative to this.
All you need is a free account with If This, Then That. Once you have an account, you can set up this applet.
Essentially, when your phone receives a text with a specified keyword/phrase, its ringtone will be turned up to max volume.
Edit: If you have an Alexa or Google Home, there are also more direct ways to find your phone via the same site here and here, respectively.
tx69er: Or just type ‘Where is my phone’ into google search when logged in with the same account as your phone. Nothing extra needed.
essidus: Or you can just use the built-in feature.
corruptedchick: I walk around my house loudly saying, “OK Google!” until I hear it. Works every time.
thenuw1: Isn’t this negated by doing a factory reset of the device? Only reason I haven’t gone this way was due to not being able to fully secure the device even from factory reset like IPhone. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Bigman71: Is there something like this for Apple?