The GOP wants adults to be able to legally fuck children, but they accuse adult homosexuals trying to marry each other of being groomers and pedophiles.
If I waa a Dem politician, I would be in every local news show screaming this from the rooftops 7 days a week
>proposing to raise the state’s legal marriage age to 16, arguing that putting “arbitrary” limits on child marriage interferes with parental rights and religious liberty.
So, remeber the Sharia Law fear mongering craze. Tell me how this isnt the same thing.
porcupine_utopia says
some further reading on the end results of conservative policies and leadership:
[education level by state](
[child poverty rate by state](
[teen pregnancy rate by state](
[welfare rate by state](
[gdp per state](
[food stamp rates by state](
[life expectancy by state](
[federal dependency by state](
[rate of rape by state](
[violent crime rate by state](
[guns deaths by state](
[suicide rate by state](
[teen suicide rate by state](
[poverty rate by state](
Arigato_MrRoboto says
Fuck the GOP.
FelixVulgaris says
The GOP wants adults to be able to legally fuck children, but they accuse adult homosexuals trying to marry each other of being groomers and pedophiles.
If I waa a Dem politician, I would be in every local news show screaming this from the rooftops 7 days a week
thieh says
“How dare you to try to stop me from marrying someone ~~underage~~ at the time they are the most fertile?”
Dependent_Yesterday9 says
>proposing to raise the state’s legal marriage age to 16, arguing that putting “arbitrary” limits on child marriage interferes with parental rights and religious liberty.
So, remeber the Sharia Law fear mongering craze. Tell me how this isnt the same thing.
CustosEcheveria says
Their accusations are always confessions, we know who the actual “groomers” are.
HoopOnPoop says
This just in. Matt Gaetz plans to move to Wyoming.
EfficientAccident418 says
But Democrats are the groomers. Riiiiiiight.