Worms ‘raining down’ in China, with residents urged to carry umbrellas as bizarre video goes viral | Category: General Source
ManyFacedGodxxx says Happens all the TIME bro, worms ya know, from The sky!! Just to be clear, “worms” are code for rain drops; right?! /s
Rkenne16 says
Well that’s unusual. How would a storm pick up that many worms lol and only works.
Refreshingpudding says
Rain of frogs is real so why not
whatsoever2021 says
Poplar flowers. It happens in Northeast of China every spring.
ManyFacedGodxxx says
Happens all the TIME bro, worms ya know, from
The sky!!
Just to be clear, “worms” are code for rain drops; right?! /s
Chard069 says
Manna from Heaven, mutated for the modern world?