The headline is somewhat misleading. This wasn’t her home, but a house that she (and other family) owned that had been boarded up and vacant for the last 15 years. Based on pictures I saw, it would have been easy for the company to think they were at the right address, not that that makes it ok they knocked down the wrong house.
rayshmayshmay says
You ever feel like you need a vacation right after you took one?
chromatictonality says
Turns out, if your house looks like shit there’s a nonzero chance it will just be demolished by accident
TechBygByrd says
Nice repost
KennstduIngo says
The headline is somewhat misleading. This wasn’t her home, but a house that she (and other family) owned that had been boarded up and vacant for the last 15 years. Based on pictures I saw, it would have been easy for the company to think they were at the right address, not that that makes it ok they knocked down the wrong house.
l4derman says
Live near an area where barns, sheds, and homes that are rotting and have been for decades are kept up on cinder blocks. Absolutely no sympathy.