wolf1043 says “A short time later, deputies arrested the 35-year-old Halder… while he was fighting the fire.”
francis2559 says Super common. Either for a pyro to be drawn to firefighting, someone to have a hero complex, or someone who just likes the excitement.
bodhidharma132001 says Henry: I warned you, Shawn. Firefighters are trouble. I did everything in my power to keep you off the pole.
wolf1043 says
“A short time later, deputies arrested the 35-year-old Halder… while he was fighting the fire.”
francis2559 says
Super common. Either for a pyro to be drawn to firefighting, someone to have a hero complex, or someone who just likes the excitement.
bodhidharma132001 says
Henry: I warned you, Shawn. Firefighters are trouble. I did everything in my power to keep you off the pole.
eighty2angelfan says
I saw that movie