This is what happens when we segregate ourselves and allow the racists and bigots like most of the GOP and right wing news, to talk up fear and hate for people of color.
I call BS. He wasn’t scared. Someone (young person of color) was on his property and in his mind he is allowed to defend his property by any means necessary. Similar situation in upstate NY but the girl died. Law applies even on private property.
This is how we know that guns are the problem. It changes the situation from “I’m scared, so I’m not opening the door”, to “I’m scared, so I’ll kill you”.
A better option might be to answer the door and ask the young man what he wants. How does immediate escalation to deadly force cross someone’s mind as a response? How are people so paranoid? The victim in the pictures looks like a *child*, so it is hard to fathom feeling afraid of him ringing one’s doorbell.
Really tired of seeing how many cops and white adult males with guns are too scared all the damn time to be trusted not to shoot anything or anyone that mildly startles them.
manimal28 says
He probably was. Racists often are.
It’s also clear he’s trying to say the magic words that allow him to make a self defense claim to cover for his straight up murder.
go4tli says
It’s me, the violent home invader who rings the doorbell first.
CrJ418 says
He was scared long before that poor kid rang his doorbell.
No excuse for shooting an unarmed, lost kid.
Illustrious-Night-99 says
This is what happens when we segregate ourselves and allow the racists and bigots like most of the GOP and right wing news, to talk up fear and hate for people of color.
HughJahsso says
Reverse the races. Would the shooter have been released?
Glass-Operation-6095 says
Bruh you had a gun , scared of what ?
sylv0028 says
I call BS. He wasn’t scared. Someone (young person of color) was on his property and in his mind he is allowed to defend his property by any means necessary. Similar situation in upstate NY but the girl died. Law applies even on private property.
Whowhatwhynguyen says
Of course this is his defense. Fuck this piece of shit racist liar scumbag. No one should be surprised by this.
Distant-moose says
This is how we know that guns are the problem. It changes the situation from “I’m scared, so I’m not opening the door”, to “I’m scared, so I’ll kill you”.
Tballz9 says
A better option might be to answer the door and ask the young man what he wants. How does immediate escalation to deadly force cross someone’s mind as a response? How are people so paranoid? The victim in the pictures looks like a *child*, so it is hard to fathom feeling afraid of him ringing one’s doorbell.
meatmechdriver says
Really tired of seeing how many cops and white adult males with guns are too scared all the damn time to be trusted not to shoot anything or anyone that mildly startles them.
jsc503 says
Of course he was. A steady stream of right-wing fear-mongering media will do that. Time for them to be held accountable.
alrightwtf says
Ah the old cop defense of “I feared for my life.”
Ok_Discussion_9424 says
The white dude looks truly terrifying. I’m not I gun owner but I’d be hiding inside all night if he were on the front doorstep 😅
I’d give the kid directions and snack. From all the photos I’ve seen of him, he seems lovely ❤️
dubiousadvocate says
Ok, and the second shot when the kid was already down?
At best this guy is mentally ill.