A woman who wrote a book about helping children deal with the grief of losing a loved one was charged Monday in the death of her husband and father of her children.
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A woman who wrote a book about helping children deal with the grief of losing a loved one was charged Monday in the death of her husband and father of her children.
chuckles67 says
If she gets convicted and the judge throws the book at her, would it be her book he throws??
Low_Presentation8149 says
Geez. There’s a lot of this going round at the moment! ( killing family members). How sad…
ijuiceman says
I can see her defence arguments from her lawyer. “Your honour I motion the court to dismiss all charges on the basis that this was research for her book”
DaveOJ12 says
This post again?
Stratocast7 says
Now she can write one about guilt.
stupidsimpson says
She should get the chair just for her dumb name, Kouri. Damn Mormons.
Billy_Likes_Music says
Good grief