Utah Senate President said he doesn’t want to force clergy to report child abuse because it would make clergy choose between “being excommunicated or thrown in jail.”
When it comes to child abuse, IDGAF about the tenets of their “faith”. This just makes it easier for them to continue sweeping it under the rug. “Pro life”.
Oh, this is regarding confessions. So if someone confesses to a member of the clergy that they’ve abused a child, they’re not allowed to report it without breaking the sanctity of the confession booth.
Ok, I get the whole “excommunicated or thrown in jail” part of this.
vineyardmike says
Utah punching above its weight again. For a state with 3 million people it sure makes r/nottheonion a lot
SuitableNegotiation5 says
When it comes to child abuse, IDGAF about the tenets of their “faith”. This just makes it easier for them to continue sweeping it under the rug. “Pro life”.
Bawbawian says
is it only fake Christians that get to be above the law or can I make up my own religion that makes me untouchable?
bastard65 says
They’re as sick, if not sicker, as the paedophiles hiding behind their religion imo!! Why protect them?
rugbat says
If they are only reporting it, not doing it, why would they be thrown in jail?
No_Sense_6171 says
How about we choose for them: jail.
BlooregardQKazoo says
Gee, maybe we should all be questioning why a church would excommunicate someone for reporting child abuse.
CitizenCobalt says
Oh, this is regarding confessions. So if someone confesses to a member of the clergy that they’ve abused a child, they’re not allowed to report it without breaking the sanctity of the confession booth.
Ok, I get the whole “excommunicated or thrown in jail” part of this.
DebiMoonfae says
Why would them tattling on a pedophile get them excommunicated or jailed?
stu8018 says
Pro life they claim but clearly don’t give a fuck what happens to that life. Idiots.