BBC News – Utah primary schools ban Bible for 'vulgarity and violence'
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BBC News – Utah primary schools ban Bible for 'vulgarity and violence'
notaedivad says
Vulgar and violent?
What part of instructions for killing gays, silencing women and owning people under the threat of eternal torture is violent or vulgar!?
like_a_wet_dog says
I’m convinced people are just parroting their peers and haven’t read the Bible. I know I only read the parts that told me morals came from being Christian.
We don’t want to teach morals from this book, dare I say even respect it, we have nukes… why does our instruction manual have so many bad examples and information that could get us killed?
Cheat sheet from another Redditor:
Priests inducing an abortion with a special potion, but it only works if she cheated (Numbers 5:11-31)A protagonist offering his daughters to a crowd of rapists (Genesis 19:5)A woman mutilating her son’s genitals with a rock to make a point (Exodus 4:25)A king demanding a suitor for his daughter provide the foreskins of 100 men, which the suitor chooses to double down on for the lulz or something (1 Samuel 18:20-30)Solomon slipping a bunch of smut into his writings, talking about letting his lover come into his garden and shit (Song of Solomon 1:13, 4:16, 5:4, 7:3, 7:7, 8:10)More Solomon talking about breasts (Proverbs 5:19)Ezekiel bitching about women making dildos out of gold (Ezekiel 16:17)
Moses declaring if two men are fighting and one of their wives rolls up and grabs the other guy’s dick she needs her hand cut off, which apparently was happening so often it needed a rule (Deuteronomy 25:11-12)Samson banging a hooker (Judges 16:1)Judah neglecting his widowed daughter in law so hard she pretended to be a hooker and let him knock her up (Genesis 38:15-18)Reuben banging one of his dad’s side chicks (Genesis 35:22)Lot’s daughters getting him drunk and raping him (Genesis 19:33-36)Judah banging a rando (Genesis 38:2)Amnon raping his brother’s sister Tamar (2 Samuel 13:11-14)Isaiah talking about raping women and beating children to death (Isaiah 13:16)David banging a rando and then orchestrating her husband’s death so he could marry her (2 Samuel 12:2-27)David’s son Absalom banging all his bitches on the roof of his dad’s house in clear view of everyone to spite his dad (2 Samuel 16:21-22)Elisha, fresh off receiving a double-portion of Elijah’s spirit, gets so butthurt at children talking shit he casts Summon Monster on them and they get eaten by bears (2 Kings 2:23-24)And the best one, Ezekiel describing one woman’s sex life as whoring after donkey-sized dicks (Ezekiel 23:18-21)And a bonus: WITCHCRAFT (1 Samuel 28:2-25)
Hindrac says
Wow, looks like Utah finally realized that “Thou shalt not kill” isn’t exactly PG-rated material. Who knew?
Tonyhillzone says
The all powerful invisible sky fairy will smite them.
Hlyntha says
So glad I don’t live in the US. Pretty hacked off with the UK right now , but once we’ve got rid of the Tories we can get the country back on track.
Hropatr says
So glad I don’t live in the US. Pretty hacked off with the UK right now , but once we’ve got rid of the Tories we can get the country back on track.
Huyenge says
So glad I don’t live in the US. Pretty hacked off with the UK right now , but once we’ve got rid of the Tories we can get the country back on track.