>”Donald said he had done this because he wanted to get arrested and go to federal prison. Donald stated that if he gets out of jail, he will rob another bank and ask for more money next time trying to get the desired result of going to federal prison,” the arrest report states.
Makes sense, three square meals a day and all the gay sex you can handle
Banks still give money over the counter in the US ? Here in France it’s all ATM inside and outside of the bank. If you need a large amount of money, they just hand you a temporary single use bank card and ask you to go to the ATM and get it out yourself.
swisscriss says
>”Donald said he had done this because he wanted to get arrested and go to federal prison. Donald stated that if he gets out of jail, he will rob another bank and ask for more money next time trying to get the desired result of going to federal prison,” the arrest report states.
Makes sense, three square meals a day and all the gay sex you can handle
Lamorra1773 says
He probably needed healthcare
Dependent_Yesterday9 says
Well I guess that technically is a retirement “plan”.
Legitimate-Most4379 says
A last-resort retirement plan…
Again proving that this country is no place for old men to live.
Robert274_2000 says
Free room and board at the local jail
HoleyerThanThou says
Better than the guy that started a wildfire. Torched thousands of acres. All because he wanted to be in jail.
Justme100001 says
Banks still give money over the counter in the US ? Here in France it’s all ATM inside and outside of the bank. If you need a large amount of money, they just hand you a temporary single use bank card and ask you to go to the ATM and get it out yourself.
dkgetoffmylawn says
3 hots and a cot.
theyarnllama says
Brooks was here.
azuresegugio says
Honestly one of the best signs the times are rough, when people are committing crimes just to enjoy the benefits of jail
joeyboii23 says
Free food, a heated room, and some basic heath care? Doesn’t sound to terrible if you are out of options.