Rules say no offensive tattoos, his look pretty tame. Also this customer:
>Speaking to The West Australian, a customer at 18 Knots said someone as famous as Post Malone should have been let into QT’s bar. “I feel like someone of his status should be let in,” he said.
>“Face tattoos on an ordinary person doing a nine-to-five might be a bit much, but I feel like Post Malone should get a pass with his face tattoos,” said Lachlan.
Ordinary people shouldn’t have face tattoos, but the rich and famous should be okay lol
BabyLegsOShanahan says
Rules are rules. The best part of this is him going to the Hilton Doubletree.
FrogofLegend says
The tattoos are whatever, but how can he stand those top teeth? The feeling against my lips would be unsettling.
go_comatose_for_me says
I only know Post Malone from his Hot Ones interview and he came across as pretty great.
Pac_Eddy says
He does look like a fool with those face tattoos.
Jingocat says
Post Malone is not a rapper.
puerto-recon says
Calling that dude a rapper is like calling Kid Rock a singer.
kazzin8 says
Rules say no offensive tattoos, his look pretty tame. Also this customer:
>Speaking to The West Australian, a customer at 18 Knots said someone as famous as Post Malone should have been let into QT’s bar. “I feel like someone of his status should be let in,” he said.
>“Face tattoos on an ordinary person doing a nine-to-five might be a bit much, but I feel like Post Malone should get a pass with his face tattoos,” said Lachlan.
Ordinary people shouldn’t have face tattoos, but the rich and famous should be okay lol
tturedditor says
Pretty trashy look and kudos to the facility for upholding their standards. Sorry not sorry. If you choose to go this route you will be judged. IDGAF.
ItsDominare says
Good! Fuck celebs thinking the rules don’t apply to them.
victordudu says
Sometimes you fuch the system sometimes the system fucks you.
Crumbdizzle says
Rules are the rules, who fucking cares.
kyttEST says
As much as I like the guy and his music, this is what he signed (tattooed) up on when getting face tats. :l
flargananddingle says
I’m just so glad he didn’t throw a fit. That would have ruined my night.
muffdivemcgruff says
Who cares?
ash_274 says
I guess Post Malone will have to go ho malone.