And as usual the vast majority of our media (right wing no surprise) is all pushing headlines about the NHS struggles, long wait times and people dying due to the delays and almost none of them ever mention that it’s all by Tory government design to force the NHS to collapse so they can sell it off to their mates in the private sector.
“Starve the Beast” is the entire Tory NHS policy while making sure their media mates are busy placing the blame everywhere other than where it belongs.
So fucking sick of how the Tories treat everyone here that’s not wealthy and donating to the Tories
Wow — those conservative Tories are really making EVERYTHING better in Britain, aren’t they? Brexit. NHS. Thatcherism. /S
Why is it the richer and more productive and fiscally conservative we get in England and America, the more things we can suddenly NOT afford?
Seems to me that their idea of “wasting money” investing infrastructure and the poor are bad ideas that don’t actually pan out in the real world. And maybe, wise people would stop listening to the people who constantly get richer and tell us that “this is just a phase — as soon as we get rid of that OTHER wasteful liberal spending, this is going to be a great experience. Diamond hands and stiff upper lip will see the day.”
One of the Ukrainians we hosted had her cancer treatment continued on the NHS, so while some have had bad experiences, not all have. Although you might argue their last year or so hasn’t been brilliant, NHS notwithstanding.
[deleted] says
passinghere says
And as usual the vast majority of our media (right wing no surprise) is all pushing headlines about the NHS struggles, long wait times and people dying due to the delays and almost none of them ever mention that it’s all by Tory government design to force the NHS to collapse so they can sell it off to their mates in the private sector.
“Starve the Beast” is the entire Tory NHS policy while making sure their media mates are busy placing the blame everywhere other than where it belongs.
So fucking sick of how the Tories treat everyone here that’s not wealthy and donating to the Tories
Fake_William_Shatner says
Wow — those conservative Tories are really making EVERYTHING better in Britain, aren’t they? Brexit. NHS. Thatcherism. /S
Why is it the richer and more productive and fiscally conservative we get in England and America, the more things we can suddenly NOT afford?
Seems to me that their idea of “wasting money” investing infrastructure and the poor are bad ideas that don’t actually pan out in the real world. And maybe, wise people would stop listening to the people who constantly get richer and tell us that “this is just a phase — as soon as we get rid of that OTHER wasteful liberal spending, this is going to be a great experience. Diamond hands and stiff upper lip will see the day.”
iseenospaces says
One of the Ukrainians we hosted had her cancer treatment continued on the NHS, so while some have had bad experiences, not all have. Although you might argue their last year or so hasn’t been brilliant, NHS notwithstanding.