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I will check in the plantings out front of our condo.
Side note: PT Barnum wanted in increase traffic in his side show wanted to get people to get out quicker to make room for new people. So he put up signs saying, “This way to the Egress.” People did not know what egress meant and thought they were going to an exhibit only to find themselves outside.
So who thinks the jet’s systems were hacked and pilot ejected when they lost control over the flight systems? Military isn’t saying a word as to why the pilot ejected other than the pilot ejected “due to a mishap.”
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WoozyMuon says
Dear John Q. Public;
Please help us find our missing piece of shit overpriced barely flying bag of poop. We have misplaced one… apparently the GPS doesn’t work either.
Thank you;
“Defense contractors” who want our boondoggle back.
Chumbief says
Still??? This was fucking yesterday, they still cant find it?!? How is thst possible?!?
BillTowne says
I will check in the plantings out front of our condo.
Side note: PT Barnum wanted in increase traffic in his side show wanted to get people to get out quicker to make room for new people. So he put up signs saying, “This way to the Egress.” People did not know what egress meant and thought they were going to an exhibit only to find themselves outside.
Exnixon says
Stealth airplane is hard to locate.
BlaqShogunCowboy says
Yea, let me make sure I drop everything for the US government. Anyways, back to my day..
Thatparkjobin7A says
It’s just moving from town to town, solving mysteries
dummary1234 says
“Why yes, I will try to help as much as possible. Dont worry about it. Just tell me when was it last seen”
-Xian Lin, chinese inmigrant.
Thatsayesfirsir says
Great. So whoever it crashes into is the winner
rdldr1 says
ScottOld says
I declare the law of finder keepers, if I find it
Harvey-Danger1917 says
Much like the police, do not talk to the military, even if you have seen an overpriced stealth plane crashing in the woods recently
eat_your_fox2 says
Sorry Uncle Sam, it’s classified.
The_De-Lesbianizer says
Conservatives on Twitter are trying to start a rumor that it was delivered to Cuba. Idk why I still use that garbage app
vancemark00 says
So who thinks the jet’s systems were hacked and pilot ejected when they lost control over the flight systems? Military isn’t saying a word as to why the pilot ejected other than the pilot ejected “due to a mishap.”