This is an attempt at legitimizing a lie. By putting this into law in Texas, Texas Republicans become distracted by a fight against something that doesn’t exist, and forget that they don’t have a working electrical grid.
I don’t care about science using fetal tissue to do whatever.
I do care about slavery and child-labor being used in the manufacture of products. They should make a label for that. It should be cross corporate as well, so that any products made by a parent company that uses slave or child-labor in any of it’s products should be labeled.
Almost like the trademark symbol. There needs to be a slavery symbol. Maybe a swastika.
That’s it, any parent company that has slavery or child-labor in any of manufacturing processes should be forced to label EVERY product they make with a swastika.
Another “non-issue” expertly obsessed over by the “we won’t figure out the debt ceiling but we’ll concentrate on this grandstanding bullshit to trick our dumbshit voters into keeping up their adulation.” party.
>”Unfortunately, many Texans are unknowingly consuming products that either contain human fetal parts or were developed using human fetal parts,”
Like old Chevy parts? Where does one pick up baby parts? And besides a witches spell book, what recipe contains “add 3 parts baby to the boiling pot”?
>”While some may not be bothered by this, there are many Texans with religious or moral beliefs that would oppose consumption or use of these products. They have the right to know what is in the products they are consuming.”
Followed by
>It is unclear what group(s) of people would feel comfortable eating fetal tissue.
Breaking news… Texas has gone mad and needs to be put down. Time for the Fed to say “No, we are not NAZI Germany so get stuffed… and charge your businesses taxes.”
InternetPeon says
This is bad news for the Southwest Fetus Salad at Wendy’s
Marrsvolta says
This is an attempt at legitimizing a lie. By putting this into law in Texas, Texas Republicans become distracted by a fight against something that doesn’t exist, and forget that they don’t have a working electrical grid.
Em_Adespoton says
Mandatory on ALL products?
Shot_Profession2166 says
Fetal tissue ? Are those people insane ?
Arquen_Marille says
Do what now? What foods would be labeled as such?
sanjsrik says
Texas being Texas. Stupid.
dirk_on_reddit says
Can continue not labeling food that contains fecal material or insect parts.
TaserLord says
Are they extending this to catholic communion wafers?
buzzonga says
Hmmm aren’t eggs = fetal tissue product?
So everything with eggs in it and eggs too. Nice look. Idiots.
wtfsafrush says
Looks like baby back ribs are off the menu
djarvis77 says
I don’t care about science using fetal tissue to do whatever.
I do care about slavery and child-labor being used in the manufacture of products. They should make a label for that. It should be cross corporate as well, so that any products made by a parent company that uses slave or child-labor in any of it’s products should be labeled.
Almost like the trademark symbol. There needs to be a slavery symbol. Maybe a swastika.
That’s it, any parent company that has slavery or child-labor in any of manufacturing processes should be forced to label EVERY product they make with a swastika.
sl8rfan2 says
Another “non-issue” expertly obsessed over by the “we won’t figure out the debt ceiling but we’ll concentrate on this grandstanding bullshit to trick our dumbshit voters into keeping up their adulation.” party.
sdgoat says
That article is gold:
>”Unfortunately, many Texans are unknowingly consuming products that either contain human fetal parts or were developed using human fetal parts,”
Like old Chevy parts? Where does one pick up baby parts? And besides a witches spell book, what recipe contains “add 3 parts baby to the boiling pot”?
>”While some may not be bothered by this, there are many Texans with religious or moral beliefs that would oppose consumption or use of these products. They have the right to know what is in the products they are consuming.”
Followed by
>It is unclear what group(s) of people would feel comfortable eating fetal tissue.
AurumArgenteus says
Breaking news… Texas has gone mad and needs to be put down. Time for the Fed to say “No, we are not NAZI Germany so get stuffed… and charge your businesses taxes.”
Raptot1256 says
We need to make labeling ‘BS legislator’ mandatory