So make your sandwich first. I brought several PB&Js through several countries not to long ago. The only people that seemed concerned with them was the group that is concerned with restricted foods. I actually had to pull them out of my bag and show them at a couple places.
lufecaep says
So make your sandwich first. I brought several PB&Js through several countries not to long ago. The only people that seemed concerned with them was the group that is concerned with restricted foods. I actually had to pull them out of my bag and show them at a couple places.
DanFuckingSchneider says
A bomb is only the second worst thing you can put in a jar of peanut butter in public.
HarlanCulpepper says
I just want to know *who* just can’t bear to travel without peanut butter.
Bobodahobo010101 says
I wouldn’t call it a gas or necessarily a solid, so maybe i agree with them.
MoistAttitude says
Pitch is a liquid, and peanut butter is much less viscous than that so sure.