Quebecish and French have been diverging for hundreds of years. An acquaintance of mine is a polyglot. When in Paris, he speaks Quebecish. In Quebec, he speaks Parisian French.
That’s fine. They speak 18th century French in Quebec so Québécois wouldn’t be understood in France either. I remember working in a kitchen with a French chef who would scream at the québécois sous chef to speak English because he couldn’t understand québécois.
goddrammit says
It would seem that the Québécois are even more arrogant than Parisians…
scootunit says
I heard if you hold your mouth like a chicken beak it helps with the accent.
BonerStorm69 says
Obviously the guy from France is not french enough
phydeauxbreath says
Real-Rude-Dude says
To be fair, I know a lot of people that have lived in the US all their life but would probably fail an English competency test
JesradSeraph says
We’re seeing macroevolution in real time – specifically, speciation, as mainland French and Québec French finally become non-inter-intelligible.
Wienerwrld says
My father was born in Paris. When he came to America at 14, the only class he failed in school was French.
vinceds says
I think a lot of truck drivers in the US would fail an English test if there was one.
I passed the US Immigration test (which is easy btw) and often feel I know more than most natural born citizens , lol.
dvdmaven says
Quebecish and French have been diverging for hundreds of years. An acquaintance of mine is a polyglot. When in Paris, he speaks Quebecish. In Quebec, he speaks Parisian French.
Moosehagger says
That’s fine. They speak 18th century French in Quebec so Québécois wouldn’t be understood in France either. I remember working in a kitchen with a French chef who would scream at the québécois sous chef to speak English because he couldn’t understand québécois.
Isteppedinpoopy says
Franco-Canadians love education so they go to night school and take French and get a B
doomblackdeath says
If you held a gun to many anglophones’ heads and asked them how to use an apostrophe, you’d be convicted of genocide.
froebull says
Quebec French is not equal to France French. The Quebecois have a lot of unique bits of language that they evolved separate from France.
Kind of like how British English and American English are sometimes a little different.
The_Sisko_be says
And french is pretty hard , I still make mistakes after 10 years
jrizzle86 says
Not even the French are French enough for French Canada!