I was going to ask rhetorically what kind of fucking idiots do this type of stuff, but this answered my question :
>Proponents have argued that raw water avoids undesirable components of municipal water, which they identify as disinfectants, fluoride, imaginary “mind-control” drugs, traces of pharmaceuticals, and heavy metals, such as lead from pipes. They also suggest, without evidence, that raw water can contain unique probiotics and other “natural” minerals and compounds that can improve health.
Mandrake, get me a bottle of that raw bird shit water.
Kaitensatsuma says
“[Water]…many believed to be from a natural spring but which was, in fact, just creek drainage brimming with pathogenic bacteria.”
I nearly broke down laughing at that one.
Sunshinehappyfeet says
The water in your toilet bowl is cleaner but I still wouldn’t drink it.
Arigato_MrRoboto says
I was going to ask rhetorically what kind of fucking idiots do this type of stuff, but this answered my question :
>Proponents have argued that raw water avoids undesirable components of municipal water, which they identify as disinfectants, fluoride, imaginary “mind-control” drugs, traces of pharmaceuticals, and heavy metals, such as lead from pipes. They also suggest, without evidence, that raw water can contain unique probiotics and other “natural” minerals and compounds that can improve health.
Mandrake, get me a bottle of that raw bird shit water.
DarthArtero says
People will believe whatever they want to believe, whether it’s beneficial or not, dangerous or not, or just straight deadly.
People who are that gullible, most likely believe themselves “to be superior” to the rest of society.