TTMcBumbersnazzle: I don’t know much about Zach other than his role as JD, but I’m surprised he caught and beat someone’s ass.
St_Veloth: Nobody ever remembers the best part of this: the 12 year old was Coconut head from Ned’s Declassified. He punched him, and was immediately forgiven. It was way more chill than the description lets on
dumpsta_baby: Everytime someone pummels the shit out of a prank artist an angel gets its wings
delaphin: He’s no Superman.
WarmTummyRubs: Someone please find the footage.
theflamingskull: >The problem was, Braff reacted badly to the practical joke. Really badly. He ended up beating the shit out of a child.
This is why pranks aren’t funny.
TheDemonPanda: So, the scene got… Scrubbed?
TooShiftyForYou: Zach [made this PSA]( shortly after the incident.
volatile_floor: The 12 year old was actually a 17 year old actor. He ran and Braff wasn’t supposed to catch him.
hop2030: And we thought Hooch was crazy
obtrae: I would slap a 12 year old kid up for spray painting my Porsche…
Throwaway-242424: I don’t see the issue. You don’t get a free pass to vandalize other people’s property because you’re a minor.
Stompedyourhousewith: “stop beating me! you’re on punk’d!”
“i know, ashton called me an hour ago”
The_Gatefather: God I fucking hate the “lol pranked xD” thing it’s just assholes being assholes and being like “nah it’s a prank you’re an asshole” and spinning it off on other people. Bitch deserved to get his shit beat.
hahauhhhhyup: Same thing happened to my corvette except it was some 80 year old dude and now we’re married
The_Axem_Ranger: I’m with Vincent Vega on this one. You don’t fuck with someone’s car. Even if it is for a substandard tv show.
Between_3_and_twenty: TIL Zach Braff goes hard
yellowliz4rd: Punked is garbage
Felinomancy: Probably shouldn’t have messed with other people’s expensive property.
Psyk0pathik: I look forward to the day someone gets stabbed and this stupid genre of show disappears.
abraksis747: Sounds like Zach should run for Senate. Pounding 12 year olds suddenly has a marketable quality to it. /s
Hopefulone5: Fuck I knew I didn’t imagine this. This was part of that tv show that Ashton Kutcher ran on mtv or whatever. I remember late at night years and years ago they ran the episode. They didn’t show Braff beating the kid up but he was with Turkleton, and he was blocking Braff between the kid and him.
I’ve searched for a good hour after this attempting to find a clip to no success. I’m convinced that Braff paid them to never air the episode again.
I_RARELY_RAPE_PEOPLE: I’m pretty sure he didn’t beat the kid. I recall him grabbing and shoving him around.