ltkettch16: And it was EA who bought out popcap games. They turned it into a free to pay game. I remember them locking some plants behind paywalls. They’ve got a long history of doing things like that, which is why I don’t like buying their games.
erokk88: I real tragedy. The first was really great and the second was…just such a greedy hysterically-priced pile of absolute dogshit.
Mypopsecrets: Giant pop up ad for Battlefront 2 popped up for me, funny
niolator: I admit to playing pvz 2. It kinda sucks because all the powerful plants from pvz 1 cost money. If they were going to make things cost money at least make it NEW content. They literally put a price on old content people had access to before.
TheNinjaFennec: Additional source:
ButtsexEurope: He was right. The first one was great. The second one was clearly pay to win. Typical EA.
gokucanbeatsuperman: Where did it say he was fired for objecting to its sequel becoming more pay to win?
jaycatt7: That explains so much.
ColorfulNumbers: I’m looking forward to [Octogeddon](
paladin400: My man
El_Wingador: Look and plants vs zombies nowadays, it’s nothing but a cash grab
dewey_do_me: I did ask him if he would still making games for popcap when they bought them out sadly he told me yes. I’m to lazy to link the comment he left me