DrJackert: basically “you wouldn’t know her. she goes to a different school” but with trees instead of middle-schoolers.
drbroshuajergman: Isn’t it annoying as fuck that the inevitability of some piece of shit asshole ruining this wonder of nature is the reason that most others can’t enjoy it?
walkswithwolfies: The location of these trees has to be protected to protect them from vandalism.
Kingsolomanhere: Just like the location of the tallest tree in the world, the Hyperion redwood at 379.7 feet, is kept secret.
Callme-Sal: If an old tree exists in a forest and no one is allowed to see it, is it really old?
battleship61: Because people are assholes and guaranteed someone will go out and vandalise it or worse yet kill it just to say they did.
[Case and point](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/the-most-isolated-tree-in-the-world-was-killed-by-a-probably-drunk-driver-5369329/): The worlds most isloated tree was run over by a suspected drunk driver. Nothing around it for 250 miles, managed to hit it.
Snaker12: It’s obviously North of the wall
SheWitnessedMe: Coming this fall, in a world that wouldn’t accept him. Treebert.
Smoking_Bear: Yeah it’s so some dumb bitch doesn’t burn it down while smoking meth.
[Sad but true.](https://gizmodo.com/5889581/meth-addict-accidentally-burns-down-worlds-fifth-oldest-tree/amp)
kalel1980: Because some a****** would cut it down and sell it for an unimaginable
Des_Pret: plot twist: it’s just an abnormally large piece of broccoli
jsnforce: Gotta hand it to the guy or gal who can locate a tree from a photo.
Morigyn: Understandable, a woman set fire to an ancient tree a few years back. Not sure why, she was probably just cray cray.
MenuBar: I’m doing the same thing with the yogurt I put in the back of the fridge since 1978.
…oops damn, now everybody knows.
Comrade_Oligvy: So sad we have to hide that… Same thing with redwoods
v8jet: Pic or it didn’t happen! :-p
Raesam: Yggdrasil?
callernumber03: It’s waiting for the next great battle for middle earth, then it will rise from its slumber to throw rocks at orcs and hear pippin yelling one-liners into its ear.
LoveSecretSexGod: That’s good. Didn’t someone poison a famous tree on a college campus a few years back? I’m all about the fun in rivalry but don’t fuck up other peoples shit. Cheer harder
BigDickMcWilly: This is because people suck.
minkatt: In Norway there is a tree that is claimed to be 9500 years old. And photos exist of it.
Goaheadownvoteme: Sites just print whatever….oldest tree I know of:
Old Tjikko is estimated to be at least 9,550 years old, making it the world’s oldest known Norway spruce. It stands 5 metres (16 ft) tall and is located on Fulufjället Mountain of Dalarna province in Sweden.
suitcase88: So does the oldest person alive in the world right now have to be kept secret also?
TheLeopardColony: Can we be sure that the tree exists then?
da_doctori: If there’s no photos then what’s that thumbnail
buck9000: Sad that the policy has to consider the absolutely lowest common denominator… I.e., assholes that would go spray paint their fucking name on it.
bob51zhang: Ah, the good ol reddit hug of death.
HateDeathRampage69: How sure can we be that it is exactly that old?
Rob1150: So, how do we know that it actually exists then?
AG9090: The two oldest trees are in Inyo County, California. Thats actually quite interesting.
rondell_jones: Isn’t this the plot to Avatar?
stoneddj420: Yet no one talks about the tree that’s 5,068 years old.
william_fontaine: ACTUALLY there is a tree that is 7,239 years old.
But only I know where it is, and I ain’t tellin’.
souljabri557: I can’t believe some people. This tree most likely does NOT exist. There are no photographs and its location is “secret?” Give me a break and call on Occam’s razor. This is a hoax.
Etherius: And I absolutely understand why they keep the location secret.
People can be horrible, and will likely vandalize the shit out of it.
I’m okay not knowing where it is.
KevlarToeWarmers: The Great Duku Tree
CherrySlurpee: I’m surprised 4chan hasn’t found it.
Acc87: probably a good idea, or else some Chinese guys would chop it down and sell its shavings as aphrodisiac, like they do with anything rare