WienerJungle: This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!
kirbyfox312: No wonder I thought Natalie Portman was in Pirates for years…
Gemmabeta: It is my pet theory that they cast Daisy Ridley partially because she looks like Keira Knightley.
MrFordization: This is all the more impressive given [the subtlety of the makeup.](
api10: I always confuse Demi Lovato and Danni Devito.
briguytrading: OP’s title is misleading.
>Knightley landed the role of Sabé, Padmé Amidala’s handmaiden and decoy.
She wasn’t playing Portman’s double. She played Amidala’s.
MoreGull: So, did Qui Gon and Obi Wan know about the double before her reveal to Boss Nass?
I say no, though the matter is entirely debatable.
net_neutrality_sucks: No, she played Padme Amidala’s double.
the-musicman: [Side by side in full makeup]( and then [Keira w/ and Natalie w/o](
TheDuckKing_: I just now noticed that, in my head, those two were and still are the same person… wtf brain.
Joker_aka_XRAY: A [comparison]( between both.
I think I actually messed up and had Natalie Portman twice. Let’s try again (Updated).
merganzer: I haven’t watched that movie for a very long time… I am still confused about what happened. Which one was Spartacus?
moon_mermaid89: I never understood this, they look like they could be sisters but definitely don’t look interchangeable.
Endarkend: Did she have a growthspurt lateron or something?
Natalie is 1m60 and Keira 1m70.
musicaldec: Kiera Knightalie Portman.
TropicalJupiter: They look distinctly different to me. Also wtf is the deal with confusing Daniel Radcliffe and Frodo? I don’t understand people.
YyesYnot: TIL that Natalie Portman’s mom is blind.
cooss: KK is not NP’s double. KK’s character is NP’s character’s double.