facadesintheday: [There’s still one more thing I must do before I go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltwxC19s5u8)
ibarabi: I like the jingle they came up with:
>What walks down stairs alone or in pairs and makes a slinkety sound? A spring a spring, a marvelous thing. Everyone knows it’s Slinky!”’
youngdj23: Did he also come up with the jingle when it happened?
the_best_jabroni: Could you imagine a world without slinkies?
Yes, I could.
Seankps: There must be more to it. Since a slinky would never cushion anything
JesterBarelyKnowHer: Lots of inventions we’re accidents. Velcro was invented when a guy took his dog for a walk and struggled with removing burrs. Post it notes were a failed adhesive. Kong toys are an old VW part a guy noticed his dog loved. It’s kinda cool how little is invented, but rather discovered.
wyvernwy: I never investigated, but the slinky origin I’ve heard was that it was a way of shipping piston rings. The machinist doing the build would make the precision cut.
Fizzmopper: I read somewhere that the slinky was invented by the us or some military as a compact means to boost a radio signal by tossing it up where it would unravel and get stuck in a tree. Might also be bs I will try to find a source.
captainmagictrousers: Yeah, but the majority of boating equipment does not make a good toy. At least, that’s what the judge said when they shut down my summer camp, “Cartoons & Harpoons”.
nofilmynofucky: He then played with them for several hours before taking a nap
Killer_Tomato: I had a slinky once, I straightened it.
atlasobscura: The world’s largest slinky stretches as tall as a nine-story building
MattsWorldoWonders: In high school physics lab, we found boxes marked “wave demonstration kit” from the 1960’s or so. Contents: Giant slinky.
Cthalimus: Another interesting invention story is the Kong dog toy. The inventor’s dog took a liking to a VW bus suspension part [C24-211-501-191-2 – OE](http://www2.cip1.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=C24-211-501-191-2), and after realizing its durability and dog-entertaining erratic bounce, the [Kong was born](https://www.kongcompany.com/the-world-of-kong/the-kong-story/).
Moreton13: Fidget spinners also seem like a mistake that happened.
zebrahdh: It’s coiled up metal that kids can play with on tall stair cases. What could go wrong?
OccamsRazer: Yeah but what good is the slinky anyway? It’s a toy, and not even a good one. Kids play with it for 2 minutes then forget about it in the rare instances where it lasts that long without getting twisted up. Slinkies are stupid and overrated.
Eye_of_the_Storm: My hometown! Hollidaysburg Pennsylvania!
Emily_MI: It is really astonishing in how many things that have been created were discovered by accident.
Murdock4000: Hi! I’m Coily the Spring Sprite. I’m the one true god!
HeySporto: This is 100% bullshit but makes a nice story