danfromwaterloo: “Go ahead ask me how I painted this?”
Fidelian: TIL: he only had one other painting which was most likely in the same style as the self portrait
Ben_Thar: If it’s not baroque, don’t fix it.
Cheezy_Blazterz: It’s interesting that his face is slightly more well rendered than his portrait.
Maybe he’s expressing insecurity about his skill as an artist.
dontnoaname: wow, really obscure, he doesn’t even have a german wikipedia entry, despite beeing born in austria.
AP246: The thing is… wouldn’t that mirror show his reflection from *our* perspective? So it would be different for him and so would the painting he’s painting?
This is confusing.
Vlvthamr: Norman Rockwell did this as well.
dirtygremlin: Cue posts of Tom Hanks shopped into this portrait.
eyahana: …is that a bear in the bottom right?
ColeSloth: I love that he made his reflection more crisp and perfect looking than his painting.
arch_nyc: That cat is really not feeling it
Inactivated: Sport Gumpp but no way would the painter see the same image in the mirror as we are.
kx35: It would have been cool if we could see him painting this painting in the reflection of the mirror. If the view moved just a little to the right we’d see him.
alphamale968: I may not be a smart man, But I know what the Baroque period is.
Carrotpurse: Postmodernism well before it’s time.
SargeZT: Perhaps if he sold more paintings he wouldn’t be so baroque.
Thanks everybody, I’ll see myself out.
djchazradio: >He was most likely part of the Gumpp family, some of whom were also artists and worked in the XVI and XVIII centuries.
What in the world is up with the casual use of Roman numerals?
yesthisisjon: It’s stereoscopic! Cross your eyes until the faces overlap then it’s 3D!
imanhunter: “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you but I could paint like the wind blows. Everywhere I went, I! was! painting!”
Vietcannibal: “But first, lemme take a selfie”- he said.
Chili_Maggot: 1st: “Gumpp”? Hahaha
2nd: I wonder if the differences between the portrayed reflection and portrayed portrait were intentional
PoorEdgarDerby: Meta selfies. I bet he also didn’t buy diamonds and enjoyed avocado toast.
Fun2badult: This like some inception shit
leadchipmunk: Wouldn’t that be 3 self portraits then?
Vlvthamr: Norman Rockwell did this as well.