Bigred2989: If you look at episode titles on you DVR that’s how they show it, too. Took me awhile to figure it out.
Da_Funk: Wiggum: “That’s what they all say. They all say d’oh.”
ZanyDelaney: I’ve read this before but have always felt “annoyed grunt” better fits that [grumbling sound Marge often makes](
Hellbleeder: It’s also [trademarked]( by Fox
mcmeaningoflife42: [How would you explain Tim Allen?](
ZorroMeansFox: *Never* in *any* Simpson’s script? N’oh! I can guarantee that isn’t true. Here’s an example where it *had* to be written, because it’s the first line of a joke that wouldn’t even be *possible* if he didn’t say that specific thing:
lizard_king_rebirth: I always wondered what the joke was in the episode title “E-I, E-I, Annoyed Grunt.” Now I get it!
El_Quetzal: Also, When Dan Castellaneta, the voice of Homer, was first asked to voice the exclamation, he rendered it as a drawn out “doooh”, inspired by Jimmy Finlayson, the mustached Scottish actor who appeared in many Laurel and Hardy films. Finlayson coined the term as a minced oath to stand in for the word “Damn!”
mmckillen: Have you been listening to Stuff You Should Know??
stinx2001: EI-EI annoyed grunt
VictoriousMonk: [Homer Simpson Doesn’t Say “B’oh” He Says……”D’oh”
SuperDuperTurtle: There’s kind of a reference to this in Dan Castellaneta’s guest role in Arrested Development. Nothing huge sine he just says “D’oh!” in a normal voice, but funny anyway.
WhyTheHellnaut: Makes sense, because in the first season, Homer’s voice was more growly than dopey, and his “D’oh”s often sounded more like a prolonged “D’ooohwoo.” Subsequent seasons when Castellaneta decided on a proper voice for him, it became the terse single syllable.
garlicroastedpotato: The argument starts with how you spell the word. Is it D’Oh, Dough, or Doh? So in the script it just reads ‘annoyed grunt’ to avoid script writers like Conan O’Brien having an argument with other script writers over something that doesn’t matter much.
nerbovig: Next they’ll tell us there’s no apostrophe.
RetroBacon_: That explains the title of [this episode.] (
t-had: Stuff you should know did an awesome 2 part Simpsons podcast for their 999th and 1000th episode, I recommend checking it out!
[Part one](
[Part two](
VictoriousMonk: Buh.
Crooty: B’oh!
bawlzes: So thats why Neil Cicierga titled his song that.
kovyvok: For Marge it says *irritated grumble*
thomas_wadsworth: I see a lot of tils after a lot of SYSK episodes
Phoequinox: I glanced at the title and thought this was going to be another of those goddamn Mandela effect moments and I was ready to fight someone over it.
Hugeknight: Quick someone go copyright it and sue the shit out of them.
Jeeves19: Confirmed can now substitute “D’oh” with annoyed grunt. Will update with girlfriends reaction.