Rileydj: And there have only been nine 5 star officers. Most famous; Nimitz, Halsey, MacArthur, and Eisenhower.
The last was Omar Bradley ( in 1950).
doingthehumptydance: You are forgetting 25 star General Zapp Brannigan.
“kif, set a course for that blackish-holish thing over there.”
socks_optional: Which is funny because I’m pretty sure Washington would hate it.
Ajreil: Quick, someone revive him. There are some things I’d like him to fix.
Marshmallow_man: I heard, that motherfucker had, like, 30 god-damn dicks.
redberyl: He’s been doing a great job and is someone you hear about more and more lately.
eyetracker: But Pershing had the same rank, and he was alive at the time.
nman68: Is this higher than the rank of commander in chief?
Annihilicious: [Comprehensive awesome facts of Washington you probably don’t know](
Pajama_Samson: How does this affect his retirement pay?
ShpadoinkleyDay: I pray that we never require an army so large that we need another five star general, let alone a six star!
steve0suprem0: OP don’t know about[ God’s ten-star general in the war against media pornography](
nobody is gonna get this reference.
Edit: people got the reference and I’m so happy about it.
Down_To_My_Last_Fuck: We could use a few George Washingtons today. Can you imagine?
LesterBurnEm: Our very own Glorious Leader
myrrh09: I read this as out drink instead of outrank. I was very confused for a bit.
GoodOldReachAround: 1776-1976, 200 years… America became 200 years old and celebrated by making its power house of the revolution even more #1 than he already was.
speech_freedom: Once, An emperor in China, In recognizing valor in combat, he promoted himself so many times. He finally outranked himself. He ended up staging a coup to overthrow himself.