bolanrox: yet i have never found one
jumpinglemurs: It also depends a lot on the specific patch. There was one where I went to high school where you could find 5-10 in about 10 minutes with a little practice
MikeAnP: It’s not about how far you must look to find one, but finding one before your eyes begin to cross.
whiskeydoc501: I have been looking for four leaf clovers since I was in early grade school in pretty much every clover patch I come across. I finally found one this summer. I’m 27.
PM_ME_UR_ARGYLE: Once I was walking by a patch about that size in an above ground planter next to the sidewalk and I reached over an plucked one at random and it was a four leafer. I instantly gave it to the girl I was walking with.
kenziefrenzie: If an area of clovers has been damaged by a mower or yard sprays or any other damage there’s more of a chance of finding a four leaf clover
wickedbunny42: I tend to walk looking down so I spot four leaf clovers all the time. Can also confirm that if you have found a four leaf clover in one area, you are more likely to find others around the same area.
DippedDoughnut: I’ve worked with a woman who did research with clovers. We counted flowers and took pictures of 1500 individuals plants across 3 separate plots every week. The most any one person found was 6.
IronSidesEvenKeel: Only 10,000 things to search through. Only.
NerdENerd: People are amazed at how often I find them. When I walk past a clover patch I just automatically go into spotting 4 leaf mode and see them just walking past.
someGUYwithADHD: I looked conatantkly at the ground for years before i found one. Now i look where im going
eagleiiis: they really are everywhere. if you train your eyes to recognize them you can just scan around while you walk and surprise yourself with some good luck!
time_is_now: I’m looking over
A four leaf clover
That I overlooked before
likeboats: Never found a patch of clovers in a office desk tho
Jamsterking1: I was in Sweden once and found 3 in the space of about 20 feet
sydshamino: One day in elementary school I decided to get a four leave clover. I sat down in a patch during recess and twenty minutes later walked back into class with a freshly picked one.
My fourth grade self was so proud.
Halomav: My wife found 4 in a matter of like 30 seconds and she didn’t realise that I’d been searching my whole life
canadainkorea: I was sitting in the shade under a tree last summer when my son says, “Look Daddy, 네크로 (pronounced nay-clo which is what Koreans call them).” I’ve never found one before and was quite surprised. He goes back to searching and comes up with two more. I couldn’t believe it. I had to have a look and ended up finding one as well. What a great experience.
ilive2lift: 10,000 plants…. 13 square feet… Office desk… Why wouldn’t you say like 5 square feet or something?
StuffSpurs: Wrong. I have been searching my living room floor for hours. Not found a single one.
timechuck: I find em all the time. My dog even found a small clump of nothing but 4 leaf clovers.
snaxonrax: Can confirm, regularly find four leaf clovers
RedJudas: Multiple leaf clovers really aren’t rare. It’s super annoying for people to get mad at me for not being impressed when they find one.