practicing_vaxxer: Carrie Fisher on playing Princess Leia:
>At one point, I’m supposed to react to seeing my planet blow up. You know, there go my parents, my record collection, everything. What do I see? A hand waving telling me where to look.
GGtesla: Actors dont seem to get a whole lot of respect for their ability to act but in a movie like lord of the rings or star wars it must be fucking hard to act like a green piece of wall is the other actor you need to appear although you are interacting with real things.
When its done badly its very obvious , when its done well no one notices a thing, so yeah i could totally understand actors not really enjoying filming CG heavy movies.
Frptwenty: He then turned to Peter Jackson and said “You are aware that I am not really a wizard?”
SsurebreC: [A picture is worth a thousand words.](
faraway_hotel: For comparison: [Benedict Cumberbatch performing Smaug.](
sleeptrouble: I asked James Cameron about this and he gave a response :
jwikked: That movie was uninspired and poor.
PJ should have given himself an extra year or two to sort out the story. It was rushed into production (after spending an eternity in pre-production) and it really showed.
When GDT was going to direct, it bothered me because I was desperate for PJ to continue what he did with LOTR. Well, he didn’t do that, and I really wish GDT had his shot at it. It might have been iconic, instead it was wishy washy CGI crap.
shatthebedpan: Dwarf rental rates must be high these days
TrundLth3gr8t: I really thought all of the added story line was unnecessary. To me, as a huge fan of the books themselves it was just kind of cheap. A fake romance between a dwarf and an elf so as to assimilate the story with people who aren’t fans.
oskiwiiwii: McKellen wasn’t the only thing that broke down on the set of The Hobbit…
useful_person: Why did they film the part with the dwarfs afterwards?
SonofMrMonkey5k: Because the website is apparently pure cancer for some mobiles, here’s a less cancerous one.
LegendaryFalcon: He’s a skilled artist and belonged to an era, these days all it takes is presentable faces and a place to hang your green screens to make a film.
Tackit286: When Battle of the Five Armies was about to come out I was so excited, but when I saw multiple interviews with PJ, I could see in his face that he was utterly ashamed to be a part of all this, and all the excitement and buzz disappeared.
I don’t blame him at all for it though, it must have been totally out of his control.
reallygoodbee: Yeah, the comparison shots between *Lord of the Rings* and the *The Hobbit* are pretty interesting to see. The LotR movies used every perspective trick they could come up with in order to make the hobbits look small – The cart at the start of the first film, where Frodo and Gandalf are riding together, for example: The bench is actually two pieces, with Gandalf right next to the camera and Frodo sitting a good six or seven feet away from him.
Then *The Hobbit* and literally everything is greenscreen except for Ian McKellen in his Gandalf costume.
murfi: thanks man, i nearly forgot!
BarcodeNinja: Those movies were utter shite
meatball4u: Fuck this website, it sends me spam splash screens on my android
[deleted]: [deleted]
sammyo: I’d think it was the isolation from the other actors more than green screen. There are many highly respected plays performed on blank stages with minimal props, it’s all about the interaction.
TheSickestCuntMate: Wow. That poor, poor man. It’s a miracle he’s still alive after such a traumatic experience.
WastelandPioneer: Having acted myself in the past, nothing professional mind you just local stuff, it’s really fucking difficult and soul crushing to act without other actors or even props and proper backdrops. Part of what acting is about is the interaction with other people, and without them to bounce your own character off, everything comes out as having less heart and being more mechanical. Without being able to put yourself in the scene, you really can’t even do your job effectively. The hobbit is particularly egregious in this regard, but there is a reason practical almost always is better than cgi, especially for a setting like LOTR, which is INCREDIBLY easy to use so many practical sets props and costumes. I don’t blame the poor guy for falling apart.
adrian_elliot: Suck it up and cash the check, Ian.
westboundnup: Sir Ian … Sir Ian … Sir Ian.
luckEnumberthirteen: I hate that the article is dismissing his feelings as “drama” and “tantrums.” It sounds like he was planning to suffer quietly for the fans but mistakenly left his mic on. It’s also a really legitimate complaint, especially if someone got into it for the humanity and human interaction.