SheWitnessedMe: Double raising his kids does take a lot of time.
atthegreenbed: I knew his daughter in college. She would never mention it, but somehow the word got around. It was never a big deal. His retiring probably gave her a normal life. I think he did an amazing job, she was brilliant!
TooShiftyForYou: Honey, I Raised Raised the Kids.
huntmich: I think the author of this title also curates Rick Moranis’ Wikipedia page:
>After having declined an invitation to do a cameo appearance in 2016’s Ghostbusters reboot, Moranis clarified in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter that he had not, in fact, retired from film acting due to his hiatus by convincing his longer break is now the longest break, but instead had become selective about future roles, or as he put it, “picky”.
I’ve read that about 5 times and I have no idea what it means.
HenryDorsetCase: This TIL is getting up there with Steve Buscemi on 9/11.
hotchnuts: He reprised the Bob and Doug role earlier this year at a benefit for Dave Thomas’ nephew, Jake, after he suffered a spinal injury.
He needs to get back out into acting when he’s ready. Another Spaceballs movie would be sweet.
dorknight25: This dude was up there with Steve Martin and John Candy when I was growing up. Life throws u some shitty pitches I guess, I hope he’s happy where he’s at now.
upvoteguy6: Well 1997 was 20 years ago…so we could potentially see Rick’s comeback career next year, albeit he has no scandals in the past 20 years.
CrimsonPig: > this wife
> raise raise
vulorhtej: Can’t be that hard, his kids are tiny
tomatosoupsatisfies: If I was independently wealthy I’d not work and raise my 2 kids.
Phishtravaganza: I feel like the internet was created to let people know about this.
DrBoooobs: r/TitleGore
thurrmanmerman: Steve Buscemi was a firefighter during 9/11
Edseries209: Yeah it’s been on Reddit 10,000 times. It’s the only thing you ever hear about Rick Moranis.
Capt_Smashnballs: r/titlegore
razorpigeon: r/titlegore
LuckyBoneHead: typo aside, this doesn’t seem surprising.
If I was married with and had kids, I’d be the only person left to raise my kids if my wife died.
meh_kicksomechildren: This wife and THIS children.
His own family felt abandoned.
LootShootBoogie: But he made a few albums of music? TIL
RancidFetusEater: Did you also know that Steve buscemi was a volunteer firefighter and helped out after 9/11?
Platos_asshole: Raise Raising kids is pretty difficult I hear. Most people can only handle raising kids
heatseekerdj: They’re good Rick! We need you now !!
ZeroHit: Holy title batman!!
interex: Not 100% accurate. He did the We Shrunk Ourselves movie in ’97, and then Rudolph in ’01. A 3 year break isn’t exactly giving up acting.
Glip-Glops: That was 20 years ago. Shouldn’t those kids be grown up by now?
rozza43: Hopefully all of his kids are still the same size.
optimaltoaster: Only REAL fathers are able to Raise^^2 their children on their own.
ArcadianDelSol: He kept working, just not traveling to distant movie sets. He’s done music and voice work on a fairly regular basis.
I hope he stays healthy and considers a return but if not, he has given enough. My Blue Heaven is my favorite “buddy” movie.
itsthemoney27: that’s awesome i love rick and morty
Citizen_Gamer: Hopefully tomorrow you learn to type.
brispence: His kids must have loved their allowances when he raise raised them.
crappyfacepic: He did the raise raise. The title speaks the true true.
Leonidas808: Just by the title it makes me respect this guy.
YaImGonnaCorrectYou: What happened to the old reddit that would have just downvoted this post to hell right away so that OP could realize his mistake, delete the post early on, and repost it properly before it gets to 6,700(or whatever it’s at now)?
themcjizzler: Ok, no. I** am so sick of this myth. **
His wife did die, but he kept acting for almost ten more years. He finally quit acting almost a decade after his wife passed and his children were nearly adults.
BenderDeLorean: This was already discussed on the front page weeks ago.
Sorry, I am too sick to look for it at the moment.
Coonanner: I would love to see that guy as a normal dad to see how it compares to the million “Honey, I ________” movies.
Edit: A comment this innocuous getting downvoted is why the “snowflake” thing caught traction in conservative circlces. “A professional comedian’s wife is dead, so how dare you be lighthearted curious about his parenting style at this delicate time 20 years after this happened.”
ShibaHook: He had to raise his children because they were so small.
A_Pooh_Towel: That’s man-stuff; you sacrifice everything for your family, regardless of the circumstances. Good for him, people should recognize how much of an asset great parents are and how the decline of that is yielding the negativity we live in now.
For every person staying in a “less than ideal” relationship for the good of the kids (because kids raised in single-parent households have very high rates of poverty, incarceration and decreased social-mobility), I applaud you. Having kids is tough, but worth it. Once you have them, everything changes to motivate you to give them the best, most moral life possible. I hope that once they’re grown (I assume that it is about time) that he rejoins the community of workers who love doing what they do.
slitheredout: Did he like his wife or did he like-like her?
einperson: This has been posted about 100 times.
salty_oak_8: Didn’t know Rick and Morty was around in 1997
Calbesz: This song is pretty spot on.
natural_distortion: Well there’s raising, and *raise* raising.
fairly_bookish: Has he been working in some other field, or did he actually earn enough from his films in the 80s and 90s to retire for life?
HR_Paperstacks_402: > raise raise
As opposed to raze raise.
BeardsuptheWazoo: Raise ×2
patjk73: I always thought the sequel to “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” should have been called “Honey, I Think We’re Terrible Parents”.
qqwerrthjkl: Oh I’d love so see another movie with him. One of my favorite actors!
Hermaphadactyl: He also has 3 albums out. One of which is a rap album
JonathanCrumpet: This is is interesting
Abookem: And eat his mother’s brisket.
MDCCCLV: He’d had a really good podcast with Chris Hardwick about that.
3piece_and_a_biscuit: He wasn’t like, you know, just raising them. He was totally, like, RAISE raise them.
Mattprime86: Raise raise RAISE! Honey, I blew up the kids!
Whyevenbotherbeing: I wonder wonder how they are now?
captionquirk: Rick Moranis actually made a Faustian bargain to restore his youth and live out his true dream – a songwriter and frontman of an successful indie pop-rock band, living on the edge of mainstream. The catch, of course, is that he has to stay married to Lena Dunham.
paulthefonz: He’s one of the most underrated actors.
lilcutesymane: Rick and Mortimer*
Azrolicious: But he’s a man so it’s just long term baby sitting
PPP_Your_Boat: /r/titlegore
DrTobiasFunky: An appropriate thread for this song:
lucyhaddad: Omg I was thinking about him a few days ago and I was wondering where he was at
Saggy_Slumberchops: He should star as a live action Rick Sanchez.
–shaunoftheliving: take off, hosers
vanishing_point: *Club Paradise* was the greatest *B* comedy of all time.
Drake_Heisenberg: He had to raise them twice cause he shrunk them once
JohnCarpenterLives: He’s such a nice guy, so the whole thing is pretty sad sad.
Samrulesan: He was just raising them before. Now he has to raise raise them
Daddy616: As noble and awesome as that is, rick was hilarious and as his family is now more than 20 years old I respectfully say, get the fuck back behind the camera!
dahongzi: As opposed to just raising them. Such a guy. Going above and beyond.
jojoko: Well it’s been 20 year Rick. It’s time to get back to your waiting public!
Carocrazy132: Which wife?
atsparagon: That’s not possible! He was in a movie that I just saw last…..wait. Oh, God. I’m old!
Ellite25: He shrinks them at 10 years old so he can raise them twice.
SiomarTehBeefalo: Isn’t rick Moranis a tv cartoon on adult swim?
mcmike8: Well worded title.
iEatButtHolez: raise raise raise raise raise raise
teacuplittle: I shouldn’t read comments when I’m high. I’m so confused now.
AnUnlikelyUsurper: Title reads like a jeopardy answer
LookMaNoHands_: Who is Ann Belsky?
Dr_Bukkakee: I wonder if Steve Bushemi has ever done anything interesting?
StormTGunner: I assume that means raising as opposed to babysitting his kids.
Peazeralus: This actually makes me love love Rick Moranis even more.
mangletron: That title reads like she died so he could raise his children.