rapiertwit: Ironically, his legacy was three *fewer* Hos.
RLutin: I remember my father telling this story to me and my 4 yo brother and then trying to explain us what prostitution meant without talking about sex
Landlubber77: Prostitution is all about making ends meet.
Kciddir: This is why St. Nicholas (San Nicola in Italian) is the patron of prostitutes AND children.
Also, for some reason, sailors and convicts.
friendlessboob: I want to see the stop motion Rankin and Bass treatment of this story.
“The year without a prostitute”
“Nestor the long eared Christmas ho”
permalink_save: And this is why we get an orange in the toe of our stocking, for the bags of gold dropped down the chimney that landed in the girls stocking.
we_are_all_bananas_2: I Always thought that was [Sinterklaas](https://www.sinterklaas.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Sinterklaas-4-300×300.jpg)
, a different bloke than Santa Claus. We celebrate them both, but in the Netherlands Sinterklaas is the guy who gave money to people so they could marry, later on he gave presents to the poor, *helped free slaves* (who became black Petes) and so became Sinterklaas. The Dutch celebrate him, but Santa Claus is just filling for Christmas Decorations, he doesn’t interest us at all. I think a lot of people think he was made up by Coca-Cola.
Sinterklaas and Santa Claus [fought for a good while about who would rule](https://i.redd.it/cocs7gik4c201.jpg)
*edit* I need more coffee
sophisticated-snake: This is actually why you put the stockings up in Christmas. The ledgend was that people would put up panty hoes, and St Nick would come and put gold in them to try and prevent women from becoming prostitutes.
c0balt8: That’s a dope tunic/shirt or whatever
readaye: Sounds like he was pretty wealthy to me. Which is a little odd
UniversDesAmes: They’re his elves now.
guaramo: This is not a well known gift given by Saint Nicholas…
This morning I wake up and go to my reddit and find out two Saint Claus gave me BCH from a christmas thread in /r/btc
The 2 tips they gave me are just $5 each worth of BCH… but being in an underdeveloped country thats quite enough for decent gifts for my two kids
Reddit santa clauses saved my kids christmas
PM_me_ur_fav_undies: Santa Clause saving whores.
DextrosKnight: And here we are in 2017, where the idea of helping others genuinely enrages about half the country.
TheTurningWorm: He’s also the patron saint of Pawnbrokers and pawn shops display a symbol representing three gold bags.
blue_vulcan: Mmm, it’s either have a good dowry or live a life of prostitution, life back then was hard with only two choices
scottguitar28: My favorite St. Nicolas story is about when he punched a guy in the face at the First Council of Nicaea.
I_hate_catss: i had no idea nicholas cage was a saint
Loelin: Isn’t Saint Nick the saint of thieves or something?
Acsvf: Can anyone explain in short why a ‘proper’ dowry was that important back then? I mean, it just seems nonsensical to me so, yeah.
zvive: Lo and behold he didn’t know that they didn’t do it for the money…
ravia: So when strippers wear sexy Santa costumes, they’re like mocking him?
zephyer19: That was nice but, the world had to do without 3 prostitutes and other women had to take up the slack.
isthisfark: … but they became prostitute anyway for the love of the game.
jerseyfresh: “No Ho, No Ho, No Ho! Merry Christmas!”
TitusVI: First time in my life i hear the word dowry. Not Englando btw.
ThisNameIsntCreative: Everyone knows this, next on TiL “TiL we need to breathe to survive”
blackhawksaber: That’s a badass robe! Saint Nick, lookin’ goood
terrorkat: He also helped erasing the old greek paganism in his area by destroying altars and stuff like trees where people prayed to their deities so there’s that
misstokesalot710: TIL Saint Nicholas and I share the same birthday, only 1722 years apart 🎂
thatguyx2: Another interesting painting of St. Nicolas
Farleymcg: Big dick nick!
svayam–bhagavan: So, if they prostituted enough to pay their dowries, they could have gotten married?^^/s
mrderp27: Pimps hate him!
1percentof1: hey young blood can i get a cigarette
assblaster69ontime: IRL that poor man would prolly just spend it on stupid shit like cars and clothes.
Aiku: But making ends meet is what prostitutes do…
wastedkarma: It’s amazing to me that somewhere a Republican looks at that story and says see? Christians are good. Another (or the same) looks at it and says, fucking mooch having three kids that he couldn’t support and now lives on charity.
grampabutterball: It’s funny how today you’d think if a guy won’t marry you unless you had a proper dowry, you shouldn’t marry him anyway. But back then nooo, you’d be a choosy beggar.
dykemaster: Ends meat huh? That’s kind hot
mhhmget: TIL Santa Claus was a white guy who saved some hoes.
noupperlobeman: So private charity is better than state sponsored welfare?
TheRedEminence: God allowed that situation in the first place. Doenst sound too loving to me.
Dr_FarnsHindrance: Makes me wonder where he got the money.
Whatever happened to teaching a man to fish?
I guess being *able* to give is better than *needing* to receive.
Sanhael: Except it’s now theorized that he was actually getting rid of money he’d stolen/extorted.
BelgianBillie: Wrong saint nick. This is Saint Nicolaas that comes december 6th. Noth the coca cola doped saint nick that lives on the north pole.
essellburns: Has someone been watching Cunk on Christmas? That was a brilliant.