The only picture ever taken of Concorde flying at Mach 2 (1,350 mph). Taken from an RAF Tornado fighter jet, which only rendezvoused with Concorde for 4 minutes over the Irish Sea: The Tornado was rapidly running out of fuel, struggling to keep up with Concorde at Mach 2.
pperca: The Concord makes me proud of human engineering. Such a pity it couldn’t continue to fly.
Eps_ilon: 1350 mph equals 2172.614 kph if anyone else uses kilometers.
Sylvester_Scott: How cool would it have been for an SR-71 to pull up behind it…then leave it in the dust.
stence_88: The Flat Earthers need to see this photo
TIL on 9/11, despite security telling people to stay, Aon executives began evacuating their employees and thus saved 924 lives. Source
enz1ey: You know, I just can’t think of any situation where I’d prefer to stay inside a building when it or a neighboring building has been hit by a plane. I’m getting as far away as possible…
myrargh: Years ago I came across a book by a guy who was ex-military and came to be in a health and safety / security post at the Twin Towers and was responsible for having implemented an evacuation procedure… Anyone know what it’s called? I should’ve bought it then and there.
Basically the everyday life version of a zombie apocalypse survival manual.
Chops211: Not all made it though. My sister in law died on 9/11 and worked for Aon :(.
Monopolyboy040: Just want to know, why did security tell people to stay?
Fed_up_with_Reddit: I used to deal with Aon in an old job I had. This story of their action on 9/11 might be the only smart thing they’ve ever done.
AspiringGuru: [serious question ] While attention is on this issue: what’s the best documentry on how the building fell and why?
It’s not a simple decision to evacuate the building. Smoke inhalation is a killer, moving large numbers of people down stairs is not simple. Nobody knew at the time the building would fall down.
ifdeadpokewithstick: If you ever read the book ‘We Were Soldiers Once… and Young’ he’s the guy on the cover.
Rizzpooch: The mother of my girlfriend at the time worked on a very high floor. Her manager urged everyone to stay inside, but she decided that she was going to leave. She made it out and ended up walking something like fifteen miles before she could get transportation home. Most of her coworkers died that day
omnistupidgod: What is Aon
mvoccaus: Kevin Cosgrove’s call to 911 was recorded (like with any 911 call) and the recording was uploaded to
At 4:49, you can hear him scream as tower he is in begins to collapse and the call cuts out.
MyNewAccount962: Yup. AON did a lot to save lives. Very Heroic of them.
Rick Rescorla Security Chief for Morgan Stanley saved tons of lives too. Check out “The Man Who Predicted 9/11”. Aired on the History Channel before. Very Good Doc. About How Rescorla saved many lives.
YJCH0I: It reminds me of a terrible story of a ship in Korea with students where the students were told to stay in their rooms while the captain and crew escaped in lifeboats. 😡
somedude456: I won’t say my employer, but we’ve been told under cases of emergencies, I am to put my safety first. There’s no help the customers first, or so. Gun shots, fire, escaped tiger…I don’t care what, but I am to, and will be putting myself first.
Now if I was in a highrise and the neighboring one was massively hit, I would be getting the FUCK out of there ASAP! Fuck off boss, I’ll see ya tomorrow, I’m OUT!
wide_open_skies: Hey, that’s my company!
OrangeLlama: My dad worked at AON and worked at the twin towers during 9/11. He was late to work that day though, because he had slept in since he’d taken care of my brother and I who had stayed up crying the night before.
eruffini: “Then the second plane hit.”
Those words just tell you everything you need to know about that day.
jasondcx: Just thinking about it gave me shivers. I can’t imagine what it must have been like during those moments.
tomplaysgames88: I heard Steve Buscemi helped evacuate them
N3UROTOXIN: One of my mom’s patients was told to stay. She said fuck that. Second plane hit her floor
Mom is a dental hygienist
cmenow: Sometimes it’s better to go against the grain.
mushroomwarlock: My dad worked at Aon out of Boston. Watching the 60 minutes on that about the guy who had the same job as my dad, but in NYC was the moment I never took my dad for granted again.
invisible_lucio: This is a supercut of the news on 9/11. It really emphasizes how much uncertainty there was at the time.