AppreciateThisMoment: Powerful takeaway from this write-up on this young man’s amazing journey:
“I miss everything,” he says in Korean. “The smell of the ground. The dirt. Everything. I didn’t really see how precious it was to be able to live with my family. I don’t have that now.”
Powerful that despite everything he’s been through and all the ways his life has “improved”, he yearns to be with his family.
For anyone of us who ever take our families for granted, just a reminder, at least for me, to be so incredibly thankful every day, for so many things.
Wishing this guy the best.
sour_creme: if you read the article, he spent time in a detention center before being flown into los angeles. he did not go through mexico; somebody else did.
slugposse: I went to Walmart today and am exhausted.
psychoticbarracuda: This is the true definition of an American. I don’t give a shit if you were born here or not. If you want so badly to be here with us, that you intentionally put yourself at risk and go through lengths like this to get in, you deserve it and no one can tell you that you don’t.
Just because I was lucky to be born into this country doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be allowed in. We need more hard-working and mentally resolved people like this person as US citizens.
ctiern: Sneak level: 1000
Burgers_and_Fries416: That mofo earned it
RebootTheServer: He is like that really sneaky guy from Mr Deeds
Green_Meeseeks: I mean after escaping NK twice, how hard can crossing the US-Mexico border really be lol
bigbootyrob: “It’s not a grand dream or anything, but I’ve realized it doesn’t matter where you work, whether it’s a restaurant or whatever, it’s what kind of mindset you have,” he says. “That’s the most important.”
That’s truth right there
BelgianMalinaww: What appeal does Kentucky have for NK defectors?
overworld99: Illegal immigrant shoulda been sent back and made to come back legally
Poemi: As an American, I find it unacceptable that our borders are less tightly controlled than the borders of a nation run by a psychotic megalomaniac sadist who oversees a prison state/labor camp.
Build that wall, Mr. Trump!
73336fabes: God what a story
SovereignDS: China sends defectors back to best korea
Gettani: ELI5: Given the Supreme Court upholding Trumps travel ban, what’s going to happen to undocumented North Koreans like Daniel?
guynamedbutcherpete: Why didn’t he do it legally? I would be seriously shocked if the US didn’t take him in. That would be a huge f u to North Korea.
Game_GOD: Escapes twice
*doesn’t escape with his family*
EvangelosKamikaze: All roads lead to ‘Murica