kamarer: Do anyone read the link? There is no mention of this at all!
How could they even post to Seal Team Six? This is rubbish
ANinjaForma: And how’d they get their names and addresses?
FattyCorpuscle: > Fleshlight, a brand of artificial-vagina sex-toys
Thank goodness it wasn’t one of those real-vagina sex-toys. You don’t want to have to explain one of those to security at the airport.
Askmeaboutmy_Beergut: That was 6 years ago!?
*stares out into space*
My_Body_The_Mystery: Apparently they’re banned on most US submarines. The friction from sailors furiously pounding the latex is a huge unavoidable fire hazard.
HookersForDahl2017: They got the skin replica of Bin Laden’s asshole so they could keep fucking him after death.
_coffee_: You think that’s fun?
Every member of Congress has gotten porn from Larry Flint (Hustler) on the monthly.
greasy_pee: Mouth, vag and asshole I understood, but what’s the slit one on the left supposed to be?
Meshugugget: I inadvertently taught my 75 year old mom what a fleshlight is. Paste > send > ogod that was the wrong link.
[that happened](https://i.imgur.com/mAs8Hmj.jpg)
DoYouEvenJerkBro: “Go fuck yourself SEAL Team Six” was the message that nobody noticed but which Fleshlight secretly intended. Thankfully the world never noticed this subversive jab and overlooked the sex toy mogul’s ties with Taliban.
TheMoronWhisperer: TIL: Fleshlights have different “sleeves.”
Its_Cory: >*Not to be confused with flashlight.*
Wikipedia gives me a chuckle sometimes.
i-promise-to-behave: The one group of people on earth who are guaranteed to never need a pussy-substitute.
MechanicalHorse: >Fleshlight, a brand of artificial-vagina sex-toys
I’m glad you clarified, as I’m sure nobody here has ever heard of it!
savemejebus0: They are grown men who are the most elite warriors on the planet. They use real fucking vaginas.
IceColdInferno: Bet their dependapottamuses made them get rid of them
Maxwell3004: “no honey I didn’t order them!”
“Then why the hell they here?!”
“The fuck am I supposed to know, ya kill a damn pussy and pussy comes to you”
AllahAqua: Unverifiable source, absurd claim.
something something /r/hailcorporate
metronegro: It didn’t say that anywhere in the article.
onDUBS: Thanks for the update, fleshlight PR team
Cookieverse: Nice ad, dude.
level1biscuit: If anyone doesn’t need a fleshlight, it’s those guys.
-JesusChrysler: Cool advertisement.
Ella_Spella: And look at all the PR they get to cash in on. I’m not saying they did wrong at all, but here we are with a top rated TIL post reminding us of that.
cocuke: I always thought I’d have to kill someone to get one of these. I just thought it would have been my wife.
Breakfastclubberlang: SEAL Team Sex
green_meklar: As if those guys will ever have any need for something like that again.
dominthecruc: Okay so there is the ass hole, vagina and mouth. What the hell is on the far left?
UglierThanMoe: Not to be that guy, but nowhere in the (very short) article does it say anything about what you claim in your post title.
chamaelleon: And then one of their shills came here to pretend they’re a regular person finding something interesting out, so they could get some free advertising.
iamhipster: While Osama enters the bosoms of 72 virgins, the SEAL team that killed him each receive a complimentary artificial-vagina sex-toy!
Threeknucklesdeeper: Wonder if any of them wrote reviews?
I_Hate_Nerds: If you killed bin Ladin I sincerely hope one of the obvious perks is you never have to jerk off into a fake plastic vagina again.
-RioX: Why didn’t you tell me about that? I would have been in first line :/
Lulu921: I hope they used discrete packaging…
Darth_Innovader: Is this the military grade tactical fleshlight I’ve seen ads for?
EMAW2008: I like how you had to put in that bit explaining what a fleshlight was like no one on here knows what they are
piranhabait89: Didn’t know bin laden was hiding in Bosnia. You ever been to Bosnia?
LSG1: Aaand just about all of them are dead now
Liquidis: TIL that there are people out there that may need clarification on what a Fleshlight is.
BamaKratom: I doubt seal team six needed pocket pussies…just sayin
JerJitsu0ss: They sent fake vaginas to the men who, of all living men, would least need fake vaginas.
Yinjim: Weird.
hardestnuts: Good penetration behind enemy lines, boys. Good penetration.
Shimster: I was under the impression 36 members of the team died in a suspect helicopter crash?
MrMrRogers: According to some comment in a reddit post I saw like three months ago, some marines got STD’s after they had all used the same fleshlight while on a tour in the middle east (Iraq? Afghanistan? Idk, I am going off my memory here.)
CrackaDon_YT: They sent artificial pussy to the last people on Earth who would possibly need them.
donutnz: Why? These are SEALs. I have a feeling they are not lacking for fun buddies.
rontor: what does that first of four designs represent? fucking a vending machine?
Blueddit1234: What is the one on the left supposed to be?
Boingoloid: Did the package also get assassinated for covering up a reelection lie?
hackersaq: So… Considering these dudes are fucking devgru seals and thus perpetually covered in fantasy-tier pussy….how much did the NIB fleshlights go for on eBay?
nofilmynofucky: utterly pointless, something tells me those boys would not be wanting for pussy in this life time
FlameOnTheBeat: Did it have a note saying [“Fuck me like you fucked bin Laden”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr9Kaa1sycs)?
Luckiest0ne: So was it a way for the company to praise the SEALs or a passive aggressive way for them to say go fuck yourself?
XxDayDayxX: Victory faps for all.